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Kathryn Taylor - Community Reviews back

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LeseBlick rated it 9 years ago
Inhaltsangabe Ben Sterling kann es sich selbst kaum erklären: Seit er auf Daringham Hall eintraf, ist nichts in seinem Leben mehr wie vorher. Und das liegt nicht nur daran, dass seine lange verschollene Familie ihn auf ihrem Landsitz in East Anglia so unerwartet freundlich aufnimmt – auch seine Gefü...
LeseBlick rated it 9 years ago
Inhaltsangabe Eine schicksalshafte Begegnung, ein lang verborgenes Geheimnis, ein verlorenes Erbe. Die Familienverhältnisse auf Daringham Hall im malerischen East Anglia geraten durcheinander, als der IT-Unternehmer Ben Sterling auf dem Gut auftaucht. Denn Ben ist der eigentliche Erbe - und nun sinn...
Romance Book Reviews For You
Romance Book Reviews For You rated it 9 years ago
This is book two in the "Colours of Love" Series. I really enjoyed book one 'Unbound' and yes book one did have a cliffhanger sort of like 50 Shades of Grey. So, I would advise getting the first book too..which both books are such a good read that you would really want to anyway. There is a third...
Romance Book Reviews For You
Romance Book Reviews For You rated it 9 years ago
This is book one in the "Colours of Love" Series. This is my first book by this author too...but once I read this book I had to go and find book two 'Uncovered' because I had to know how things ended. Yes, book one does have a cliffhanger similar to 50 Shades of Grey where you need to the next book ...
Arlena Has Read and Reviewed What Novels?
Title: Unleashed Colours LoveAuthor: Kathryn TaylorPublisher: Bastei EntertainmentSeries: Colours of Love # 3Reviewed By: Arlena DeanRating: FourReview:"Unleashed Color of Love" by Kathryn TaylorMy Thoughts...So, this is the third book 'Unleashed Colours of Love Series' and I a so happy to say the r...
Arlena Has Read and Reviewed What Novels?
Title: Uncovered Colours of LoveAuthor: Kathryn TaylorPublisher: Bastei EntertainmentSeries: Colours of Love # 2Reviewed By: Arlena DeanRating: Four Review:"Uncovered Colours of Love" by Kathryn TaylorMy Thoughts...After reading the the first book of the 'Colours of Love Series' I knew I had to read...
Arlena Has Read and Reviewed What Novels?
Title: Unbound Colours of LoveAuthor: Kathryn TaylorPublisher: Bastei EntertainmentSeries: Color of Love # 1Reviewed By: Arlena DeanRating: 4Review: "Unbound Colours of Love" by Kathryn TaylorMy Thoughts....This twenty two year old naive Grace Lawson from Chicago was delighted to go her three month ...
Just One More Chapter
Just One More Chapter rated it 9 years ago
So, this book picks up where the cliffhanger in the 1st book ended. Now, I enjoyed the first book (it was a 4 star book for me) so I was really hoping to like this book. Well, I didn't. This book just didn't hit the mark for me. Here's what I didn't like. I found the heroine Grace to be extremely an...
BuckeyeAngel rated it 10 years ago
Grace Lawson is 22 and is going to England. It's her first trip abroad. She has a major in Economics at the University of Chicago. She got a highly coveted internship at Huntington Ventures Company. It's been around for 8 years. In That time, it became one of the most successful investment firms in ...
smag rated it 10 years ago
„… kolory niosą znaczenia, a artyści, czasem świadomie, a czasem nieświadomie, potrafią oddawać nimi różne uczucia.” Zdecydowanie polecam dla wielbicieli "Pięćdziesięciu twarzy Greya", a nawet dla tych, którzy lubią romanse biurowe, ale nie mogli znieść sposobu pisania E.L. James. "Barwy miłości"...
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