This is an historical romance at its finest. The story centers on Alina Dziak, a young Polish girl, who had to navigate through life during the occupation of her country during WW11. “The Things We Cannot Say” is a heart wrenching, terrifying and enlightening.The storyline although romantic seemed c...
I really thought this was going to be a suspense/thriller according to the title. However, I could not be farther from the truth. While there was a mystery, it was far from what I thought it would be.The story of two sisters, their shared love for each other and their distrust and hatred of their st...
2.5 Stars While I found the story interesting and well written in places I had an issue with the bookcover which really irked me and that was the description on the front cover of the paperback edition as per spoiler below."A Mother's Confession: A heartbreaking story with a breathtaking twist Is ...
Lilly was pregnant and at The Maternity House and being forced to give up her baby. This child was adopted and turned out to be Sabina. Thirty-seven years later Sabina finds out she had been adopted unaware before this time. Such a wide range of emotion from the main women of this story. I thorough...