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Kindling the Moon - Community Reviews back

by Jenn Bennett
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Jenny Schwartz
Jenny Schwartz rated it 10 years ago
I've been thinking about "Kindling the Moon" for a couple of days. It's difficult for me to review. I can see that it's a good example of one of my favourite subgenres, paranormal romance, but it didn't work for me. I was ambivalent throughout the book, but it did keep me reading. The heroine's vo...
Romance and other things
Romance and other things rated it 10 years ago
This book was featured in the deals section of the DA and I love UF and wanted something new so I caved. This is the first book in the series and as far as I can see the series are complete with four (or was it five ?) books and from what I read it ended on the strong note. I really liked it - n...
My slice of heaven
My slice of heaven rated it 10 years ago
I think this book is amazing and I'm glad I decided on reading it. Arcadia was a very nice character and I think likable. Lon was a pleasure to read about and his transmutated state is very interesting, not to mention his son, Jupe - Now he was a delight and the way his character was written felt v...
Romance Reader (and Writer)
Romance Reader (and Writer) rated it 10 years ago
I was surprised that I liked this so much. I think it was the fact that the romance took up a good 50% or so of the book, the other 50% being the hunt for the demon that Cady believed killed the three people her parents had been accused of killing. I still haven't decided if Lon is attractive (wav...
Life of a bookworm
Life of a bookworm rated it 11 years ago
2.5 starsStellar book. The story was interesting though. Will have to see where the next book takes us to form a strong opinion.
La Crimson Femme
La Crimson Femme rated it 11 years ago
Wow, a new series for me to really get into. At first I wasn't liking it because I don't like first person narration. Pretty soon, I was forgetting all of that and along for the ride with Arcadia, call me Cady Bell. Holy cow is this book packed. There were a couple of twist that totally threw me...
Princess Eva Rose
Princess Eva Rose rated it 11 years ago
Arcadia, fuck you! It's not cool to drug the drink of your demon patrons because they get rowdy. It's not cool that you also kind of guess what sort of potion won't kill them. Fuck you! Also, no one is buying your special snowflake act.
Susana "Lost in Fantasy Land"
Susana "Lost in Fantasy Land" rated it 11 years ago
I guess one can never have too many books to read...or urban fantasy series to follow! Because after finishing this, i can definitely say that if this doesn't turn out into a favorite series, i will have an apoplexy... Arcadia Bell is a magician...but, not the kind that that tries to pull rabbits ...
La Mala *the mean girl*
La Mala *the mean girl* rated it 11 years ago
4Me gustó y me re-gustó . Después me gustó un poco más .
kindleaholic rated it 12 years ago
My first thought when I finished this book: I should have read this earlier. I'm still kicking myself over it, to be honest.This is definitely my kind of story. Strong female lead, great magic system, believable relationships, good supporting cast - if you are an urban fantasy fan you should read th...
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