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Love Unscripted - Owen Nicholls
Love Unscripted
by: (author)
2.33 15
Ellie had the quizzical eyebrows of Broadcast News-era Holly Hunter and the neon-red hair of Kate Winslet in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. At least, that's what caught Nick's attention when he met her on the night of 2008's historic election. A cinema devotee and lover of great love... show more
Ellie had the quizzical eyebrows of Broadcast News-era Holly Hunter and the neon-red hair of Kate Winslet in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. At least, that's what caught Nick's attention when he met her on the night of 2008's historic election. A cinema devotee and lover of great love stories, Nick always fancied himself the Tom Hanks of his own romantic comedy, and when sparks flew with Ellie that night, he swiftly cast her as the Meg Ryan of his story. For four blissful years, Nick loved Ellie as much as he loved his job as a film projectionist: wholly, earnestly, cinematically.

But now Ellie has moved out, convinced "the fire's gone," and Nick is forced to sift through his memories to figure out where it all went wrong. The fallout from Ellie's declaration that she "doesn't love Nick the way she used to" throws him back into recollections of their first night together. Their shared jokes, her wry smile, the "hope" that filled the night air--his memories are as rose-colored as the Hollywood love stories he idealizes.

That night was a perfect meet-cute, yes, but was their romance as destined for a "happily ever after" as he'd thought? Is he really the rom-com hero he believes he's been? Or did this Harry let his Sally down? Peppered with references to beloved movies, Love, Unscripted explores how even a hopeless romantic can learn that in real life, love isn't, and shouldn't be, like what we see in the movies.
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Format: paperback
ISBN: 9781984826879
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Pages no: 384
Edition language: English
Community Reviews
Abandoned by Booklikes
Abandoned by Booklikes rated it
2.0 Love, Unscripted
Please note that I received this book via NetGalley. This did not affect my rating or review. Ohh boy. This was a drag. I was hoping for a cute chick-lit to get me through a long weekend and I almost gave up a few times while reading. Also there's no damn Happily Ever After (HEA) that I could see so...
drallapaul rated it
3.0 Straightforward love story
This comes under the heading of women’s fiction so it probably serves me right if I don’t enjoy this much. Although I’ve not read it (but seen the film): it reminds me of High Fidelity but the references are all related to films this time with others about music with which I am not familiar. Nick, t...
bookjunkie57 rated it
0.0 Love, Unscripted
I Picked Up This Book Because: Netgalley cover coveted The Characters: Nick (never ran across a last name): Ellie Brown: A bunch of people who don’t seem to matter in the story. Or at least what I read of it. The Story: I was seduced by a cute cover and a clever title and I kinda regret it. Nick...
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