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This is the story of Caitlin and Charlie's son, as he grows up and becomes a man. You stay with him as he trains with Alice, as he meets and trains with the Grandmaster and how his whole life has revolved around him saving his mum from the ICSC. As this is Sean/Shilin's story, there is not a lot goi...
This is an ancient tale from China, remolded into today's world with a bit of a twist. Our two main characters met in a previous time but separated due to the nature of their beings. However, a promise was made that if he ever met her again he would marry her. Skip forward to the present time and he...
This is another one of those books like [b:The Black Wolf's Mark|19041513|The Black Wolf's Mark (The black wolf's mark, #1)|Pet TorreS||25368014] that would definitely have benefited from an editor. I absolutely love the idea of this story - a mo...
This was an interesting and entertaining young adult book. The main characters are all fourteen. Liz, her twin brother Henry, and best friend Sue find themselves battling monsters out of legend to save the world. They are pretty ordinary Australian kids. Liz and Henry are half Chinese. They have gro...