So the gods come back and they are not quite happy. Seriously, a story about self, stepping up, and self-determination. Awesome. Hard hitting. Striking. Wonderful.
So I guess this was the end of Gail Simone on Wonder Woman. Sigh. I really loved her run, as one of the writers who I think really understood Diana and her world. Not exactly the best set of storylines she worked on here, or even the most representative of her entire run. But still, pretty good on t...
A plethora of loose ends get tied up, finally. I'm still a huge fan of how Simone wrote Diana, but I feel like the stories in this collection tried to tackle a few too many things, ending up with a slightly muddled story that jumped from topic to topic.
I love the way Gail Simone writers Wonder Woman. No exception here, though there's a lot going on. I feel like I may have missed a few plot threads here and there to fully understand the storyline, but I knew enough to enjoy it. Really liked the art, and the two page spread of Diana, Donna Troy, and...
I just did not feel this storyline. At all. It was a little too campy for my tastes, especially the secondary movie storyline. That said, I still really like how Simone writers Wonder Woman.