Are they destined to find their second chance and ride off into the sunset? Or will they decide to go their separate ways and never look back? It's a long way to happily ever after. Evan and AJ know how to be friends. It's admitting their soulmates that is the beginning of all their problems. Love i...
By listening to her head, she not only broke her own heart, but ruined an always constant friendship. Sometimes the most difficult choice can be the most enlightening in the end. Evan and AJ have mastered the equation of friendship, but what happens when love walks in? Len Webster has crafted a ...
Immature charactersCute beginning. Could see how easy it would be to start a texting relationship. But all of the characters, especially Dani, come across very immature. Turned a cute story to an annoying story.
What four letter word is associated with both weakness and strength and can empower as easily as it can destroy? That tricky dichotomy known as LOVE! When it comes to love there is no logic, because love is based on emotion, not state of mind. With the First Goodbye takes a look at both sides of...
I didn't know I'd have such a visceral reaction to this book. I'm pretty angry, probably because I shattered my leg when I was 16, and I was told I'd never walk again. I lashed out at everyone, and if someone had come on to me during a rehab session... DAMMIT. Reprehensible. Just awful.Crybaby? Crip...
The sine qua non of English usage reference. There is an exemplary reliance on evidence (with plenty of supporting quotations), rather than the usual intellectually trivial acceptance of received rules.
Tried reading it from cover and cover. Couldn't do it. The plot kept changing.
The most detrimental book in existence and Satanic by, ironically, definition.Language is the most influential tool in mind control. Language is the external expression of reality as a personal paradigm and supplanting one’s language into another is to manipulate the person into experiencing only wh...
It's already paying for itself. I have found I tend to use the same words over and over again.