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Nine Wartime Lives: Mass Observation and the Making of the Modern Self - editions back

by James Hinton
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Nine Wartime Lives: Mass-Observation and the Making of the Modern Self - James Hinton
Nine Wartime Lives: Mass-Observation and the Making of the Modern Self
publisher: Oxford University Press, USA publish date: January 14th 2010
format: hardcover pages: 258
language: English
ISBN: 0199574669 (9780199574667)
Nine Wartime Lives: Mass Observation and the Making of the Modern Self - James Hinton
Nine Wartime Lives: Mass Observation and the Making of the Modern Self
publisher: Oxford University Press, USA publish date: August 11th 2011
format: paperback pages: 272
language: English
ISBN: 0199605157 (9780199605156)
Nine Wartime Lives: Mass Observation and the Making of the Modern Self - James Hinton
Nine Wartime Lives: Mass Observation and the Making of the Modern Self
publisher: OUP Oxford publish date: January 14th 2010
format: kindle pages: 273
language: English
ASIN: B006SF3P76
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