by Laurie R. King
Fun, fresh entry transplanting the typically British Holmes stories to the Middle East. A pleasant shift from the previous entry, The Moor, which felt quite a bit slower-paced, or perhaps simply of a different, less appealing form of exoticism. Great cast, with some rather James Bond dashing about a...
“Actually, no,” Holmes said, completely ignoring the man’s fury and sounding merely bored—an old and effective technique of his. “She will not wear those clothes, or anything like them. No burkah, no bangles, no veil. She will not walk behind us, she will not cook our food, she will not carry water ...
This is a review for the audiobook version, which I listened to in the car to and from work and during which I was on school holidays for 2 weeks. I say this as a partial explanation for the next line: Holy cheese whiz, it's finally over! It felt like this book took an unusually long time to ge...
This is absolutely my most favorite series ever! Every book in the series is fantastic-5 star! If you like Sherlock Holmes, you have to read this pastiche. It's the best one I've read yet.
I loved the first three Mary Russell novels, set early in the 20th Century, which give Sherlock Holmes a romantic and sleuthing partner. However, the fourth book, The Moor, was less than stellar. I feared that the series might have jumped the shark. However, a commentator on my review of that last b...
This is the fifth novel in the Sherlock Holmes and Mary Russell series, even though the narrative takes place within the time frame of The Beekeeper's Apprentice, the first novel in the series. I continue to enjoy this series very much. In this novel, as always, King creates a wonderful sense of tim...
Dayam, that was a long book.
Def. not my favorite of Laurie King' fact, this is the only book in this series that I had a really difficult time finishing. Still happy I read it just didn't get the rave reviews I have given the other ones.
I love this book and its Palestinian, post-WWI landscape.
I completely agree with Tara - this is my favorite Mary Russell (so far)! Set in Jerusalem this story revolves around a case where Mary and Holmes are trying to find a terrorist who is trying to create a conflict that will result in war in Jerusalem. The interesting thing about this Mary Russell s...