I wrote 999 Years After Armageddon, a book about the Millennium reign of Christ after writing a commentary on the book of Revelation and reading the first of the Left Behind series. While many people are caught up in the events of Christ's return, few have imagined what life would be like after...
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I wrote 999 Years After Armageddon, a book about the Millennium reign of Christ after writing a commentary on the book of Revelation and reading the first of the Left Behind series. While many people are caught up in the events of Christ's return, few have imagined what life would be like after He returns to the earth. I hope that this book will provide the reader with a greater understanding of the spiritual dangers that have plagued mankind from the beginning and will continue into the Millennium. I am currently studying for my MA in theological studies at Liberty University. I have been a long time student of prophecy since reading The Late Great Planet Earth in 1974 which lead me to become a Christian. I've been married to Terri since 1993. We belong to Canyon Hills Community Church, in Bothell, Washington where we currently serve as home Bible study group leaders. We are also members of the Leight Fantastics, an amateur dance performing group specializing in tap and jazz. We practice year round for fun but also to prepare for our various performances (www.leightfantastics.com).
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