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I enjoyed this one more than the first book. The three alphas Styx, Law and Paulo have great chemistry and are all haunted by their pasts. Aided by Styx's partner Tom Cat the three men are trying to eliminate someone from Styx's past who will do just about anything to get to him. Of course the thr...
I made it up to 10% but now I'm done. The whole opening is rather harebrained, I always confuse the MCs and the constant eye-rolling might give me a headache. If the other books in the series are not better than this, I won't have a nice reading week.
This is one for the favourites shelf! Three absolutely gorgeous guys - Law (Delta ops), Paulo (cop) and Styx (CIA) - great story with action, drama, passion and hot sex! No more needs to be said!
DNF at 50%, so I won't rate.This might contain spoiler.This m/m/m "romance" is about three tough guys (CIA/Delta/Cop) who are on the run from the big bad Daddy of the CIA guy. And while on the run, CIA and Delta, who have been lovers since teenage years (on/off) re-connect and also include the Cop (...
FOUR & A HALF STARS--So I've already established I enjoy SE Jakes's writing, it contains the right doses of angst, humor, wit, sex, etc. And after reading Bound By Honor, I was very interested in LC finally getting!Was I disappointed? HELL NO! SE Jakes included a few of my favorite charact...