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S.J. Wist - Community Reviews back

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Musefall rated it 12 years ago
This was an amazing book. I really enjoyed Wist's writing style. Her writing style is to the point but leaves room for beautiful description. She also excelled at the action scenes; they were awesome, with enough danger and gore to make them believable but without overdoing it.Sybl is an excellent c...
Musefall rated it 12 years ago
This is the first book in the Whispers series by S.J. Wist. I wasn't sure what to expect when I read this book, but I ended up liking it a lot. It was a great read with some interesting plot twists and some interesting ideas.I really enjoyed the plot pace of this book, it starts out quick-paced and ...
Bookaholic-ness~ rated it 12 years ago
There were like, 3 giveaways for this that I didn't win. Well. Rotten luck, I guess! Honestly, this book looks really good, and I've been dying to read it. But I don't know where I can get it!
Sharon E. Cathcart
Sharon E. Cathcart rated it 12 years ago
In the interest of full disclosure, I will say right at the beginning that this book contains one of my stories. My review applies to the rest of the works contained therein."Live Life: The Daydreamer's Journal" is a short story and poetry anthology that was developed as a fundraiser for the Americ...
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