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"Turn" is archived in various places including here: "Turn" is a fanfic, specifically a Harry/Draco epilog compliant fanfic. I like HPDM, but I don't read many epilog compliant fics, because the epilog does not (to say the least) inspire me. There is inevi...
This stated my love affair with Sara's Girl. In this one, Harry is the tortured soul, not Draco, which is a nice change of pace. Draco is trying to rebuild his family name, and his boss wants Harry to attend this charity event. Harry just wants to be left alone. Cue Draco, showing up at Harry's plac...
"'Appropriate' is a horrible word. So much condescension and control and pettiness all squashed into four little syllables."I really enjoyed the angle of this fanfic, how Harry and Draco are suffering from the aftermath of the battle in their own way, with Draco trying to rebuild his family's reputa...
I have to admit that the length of this one is the only reason it took me so long to attempt it. I might have continued to put it off if not for Vivian's spectacularly beautiful and heartfelt review.This was also the first epilogue-compliant Drarry that I've yet come across and I was fascinated to...
Warning: this is going to be a 'feels' review. Basically, expect incomprehensible ravings and lots and lots of emotions. Also, in my status updates is a misleading spoiler, so do yourself a favour and forget it if you've already read it, or just don't read it at all.Lost. That's probably the best wa...