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Science, Action, and Fundamental Theology: Toward a Theology of Communicative Action - editions back

by Helmut Peukert
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Science, Action, and Fundamental Theology: Toward a Theology of Communicative Action - Helmut Peukert
Science, Action, and Fundamental Theology: Toward a Theology of Communicative Action
publisher: MIT Press (MA) publish date: June 19th 1984
format: hardcover pages: 364
language: English
ISBN: 0262160951 (9780262160957)
Science, Action, and Fundamental Theology: Toward a Theology of Communicative Action - James Bohman
Science, Action, and Fundamental Theology: Toward a Theology of Communicative Action
publisher: MIT Press (MA) publish date: August 28th 1986
format: paperback pages: 358
language: English
ISBN: 0262660601 (9780262660600)
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