Disconcerted and enchanted, the reader follows the narrator through a midsummer's night in which two tales of seduction, separated by more than two-hundred years, interweave and oscillate between the sublime and the comic, finally culminating in poignant cross-century encounter sure to linger in...
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Disconcerted and enchanted, the reader follows the narrator through a midsummer's night in which two tales of seduction, separated by more than two-hundred years, interweave and oscillate between the sublime and the comic, finally culminating in poignant cross-century encounter sure to linger in the reader's mind
Despite Kundera's disclaimer about the novel's seriousness, Slowness resonates with a profound meditation on contemporary life, the secret bond between slowness and memory, the connection between our era's desire to forget and the way we have given ourselves over to the demon of speed.
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