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smoochfestmod - Community Reviews back

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karlakolumna rated it 10 years ago
Very believable and pretty well-done characterisation of both Draco and Harry right after the war. This is actually the first Drarry fanfic that picked up right after the happenings of the war and that felt true on all the important things I want and love in the Drarry fandom.Well.Up until to the po...
DayDreamer rated it 11 years ago
Whather it is my mood or the fact it's 2a.m., I found this story entirely too sappy.
karlakolumna rated it 11 years ago
3.5 stars
karlakolumna rated it 11 years ago
1.5 stars
DayDreamer rated it 11 years ago
3.5+There are exams in my near future, is it really a surprise I'm reading Drarry fanfiction. It's basically a tradition.
DayDreamer rated it 11 years ago
3.5I'm mildly uncomfortable with this story. The premise is unhealthy, and yet appealing. Who doesn't want to get away from reality, even for a little while?
karlakolumna rated it 11 years ago
2.5 stars, at best..
karlakolumna rated it 11 years ago
Rounded up to 4 stars
karlakolumna rated it 11 years ago
3.5 stars
karlakolumna rated it 11 years ago
3.5 stars
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