by Alan Dean Foster
4.5 *Book source ~ Purchased on Space, the final frontier. Or is it? When an insane revenge-bound Romulan flies a war ship into not only Federation space, but into the past he breaks what might be the final final frontier…time. Nero’s heinous actions change the Federation’s past and ...
When I was getting my teaching certificate, they told us to lead off with the good points about students’ projects, and only after boosting their egos, point out what needed improvement.It is in that spirit that I begin this review of Star Trek, the adaptation of JJ Abrams’ reboot of the franchise:G...
*3.5-4 Stars**The Gush* I'm admittedly not a huge fan of Alan Dean Foster, particularly where media tie-ins are concerned. *cough Star Wars cough*. However, this was a wonderful fleshed out look at the movie. Why has it become necessary to read novelizations of movies simply to answer glaring questi...
Why yes, it is still my pleasure to read Star Trek novels. Sorry, ladies, I'm already taken.Foster has always been a more-than-serviceable translator of Star Trek to novel. What I enjoyed about this movie and novel was the story frame, which asserts the inevitability of the Star Trek TOS timeline. G...
Full of subtle but great impact differences from the movie the book is a wonderful read. The differences give more to certain aspects that, time constraints forced the movie to leave out or that can not be seen.
I’ll be honest and risk having my geek cred revoked—I’m not a Star Trek fan. I don’t hate it, I just never got into it; I’ve only seen a handful of episodes (largely DS9 and Voyager); most of my working knowledge of the series comes from Futurama, Galaxy Quest and geek osmosis, and I did see the 200...
As good as any Alan Dean Foster novelization, with the added bonus of finding out what happened to Admiral Archer's dog.
Zach Quinto is reading this. This is going to be fun. And it was. More like 3 1/2 stars but still pretty cool.A few things we learn that weren't evident in the movie. Quinto does an awesome job with the different voices and the narration. Only thing missing... Scotty's line : Can I have a towel? whi...