Sweet Jaysus, what a book. A book that will stay with me indefinitely. A story that will haunt me whenever I turn on the news and hear about another ‘incident’ in Palestine. This is a book that puts names and faces, be it fictional ones, to the thousands of people who have been massacred because one...
In the West, when we hear of the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians, we rarely get the Palestinian side of the story. This book is that story.Mornings in Jenin is the story of a Palestinian girl, Amal, and her family, living through six decades of Palestinian-Israeli conflict. As s...
Finished: I have been complaining incessantly about this book - that too much Palestinian history is packed into this one family's life and that the two sides, Palestinian versus Jewish are drawn up in black and white terms. These critiques remain, BUT when you get drawn into Amal's life the author ...
My takeaway message from this book is that women should be running the world.The story follows four generations of the Palestinian Abulheja family and their friends. It begins in the 1940's when they are first driven from their ancestral lands in Ein Hod, continues through the war of 1967 and the L...
Disclosure: Won in Goodreads giveaway.I suppose this is a type of book that will get some people's panties in a twist, so let me say a couple things.1. Never, ever, listen to just one side of the story. There needs to be fiction told from the Palestinian point of view just as there needs to be fict...
Re-reading this one for February 2016 sit in Book Club Originally read in 2011. Isn't it wonderful when a book like [b:Mornings in Jenin|6692041|Mornings in Jenin|Susan Abulhawa|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1312020216s/6692041.jpg|311976] inspires readers to discuss, think about or research fu...
A Palestinian perspective on the conflict in the Middle East? Yes, this book delivers that. A good novel? No, not that.This book starts with the idyllic lives of Palestinian villagers in the early 1940s. It moves on to describe their displacement into a refugee camp, where the main character, Amal, ...