Some days ago I wrote about the challenge for reading books from around the world. The goal of the challenge is to broaden up your knowledge about cultures and people, and to discover new authors different from those who you often/most usually read.
There's also a social mix to the challenge, as you should write a bit about the book you read during the challenge.
After completing the challenge in December 2014, you'll read at least 24 books. To complete the challenge you need to read 2 obligatory books. There is also a bonus task.
It's January already, so it's time to start.
The country you'll be reading about it... your own country! Before you go anywhere, you have to know your place.
The obligatory books for reading in January are:
- classics from your country, you haven't read yet.
- a post-Second World War book of your country's author you haven't read yet at all.
You can choose any genre, author, just following these rules above.
Bonus task:
- read a book about your country written by a foreigner.
Again, you can choose the genre, author, however you like.
The general rules are written in detail here:
The rules for January 2014 are here:
I hope I'll be able to discuss our reading choices with you. Enjoy the reading.