Oh, Vision! You're so adorable in your suits - which you apparently make yourself, from your body, so always naked. (YAAAAAAYAYAYAYAY! Um, I got waaaay too excited when I learned this fact.)
This brought me comfort when I needed it. There's some odd moments that Disney decides are too adult for middle school so some language and violence is curbed, but not as much as you'd think. Overall, this doesn't add much: it's pretty much a play-by-play of the movie with minor additions in thoughts and motivations to be gleaned from this. I don't read this for much other than a fuller absorption of the movie, though, and for mentions of my favorite parts. Vision cooking for Wanda, Vision fighting at the end, Vision in his adorable self-made clothing. Lots of Vision in my favorite parts.
Tony Stank is just... great.
I have a new appreciation for all of the characters. Irvine is excellent at tapping into these movies and making them a quick, and smooth read. He doesn't dumb things down, so much as simply makes it accessible to younger readers who don't have the same vocabulary or reading skill as full grown adults. They're fun and for people who want to read these movies, they are the only option as Disney doesn't novelize these for adults.
As it is, I've grown so accustomed to Irvine's young reader adaptations that I look forward to each one. I noticed this one just when I needed it the most, and I'm glad I picked it up a couple days before I did need this in hand. Love, love, love.