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review 2019-06-21 21:03
Unearthed (Unearthed #1) - Meagan Spooner,Amie Kaufman

[I received a copy of this book through NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.]

I struggled a little to get into this book, and I admit that I skimmed over a few parts, but in the end, while clearly not-mind blowing, it was entertaining enough.

The dynamics between Mia and Jules is, overall, one that worked well throughout the novel. They have their moments of snarky banter, they peel their layers gradually to each other (sometimes because external circumstances don’t really give them a chance, and sometimes voluntarily), and they get to really look at each other, past their completely different backgrounds. While Jules was introduced at first as perhaps completely lacking common sense—seen through Mia’s eyes, of course he would come across as some unprepared, pampered rich kid who had no clue what he set his feet into, he is actually more savvy than that; and, conversely, he soon learns to see past the ‘filthy scavver’, and see the actual human being behind the mask. Both are also less ‘gender-coded’ than one would expect, which I appreciated, and make use of skills such as linguistics and mathematics to get out of various pinches, which is always cool in my eyes.

The plot itself was OKish. I would’ve liked more details about the state Earth was in and the bigger plot—in terms of the science in the science fiction part, it wasn’t developed at all, and the portal bit felt like a hasty shortcut and let’s be done with it. The puzzles and exploring and spelunking in alien temples were interesting, yet I felt a little distanced from it all, as they demanded a fair share of description to become something easy to picture. The beginning and the ending were more exciting in that regard; the middle dragged. Probably would’ve dragged less without the romance. (Yes, there is a romantic relationship, of course. It’s a young adult story, so having a bit of romance is as much a surprise here as finding a Tube station in the heart of London. I don’t have much to say about it. My personal sense of priority is much more geared towards “more escaping the dangerous situations, less snogging and finding the other person hot”, and even as a teenager, romance left me cold. I’m not a good target audience for this.)

The story picked up again in the last third, and the reveal at the end was something I half-expected and somewhat hoped for, so that’s that. I’m not sure if I’ll be interested enough to read book 2, but maybe if it’s available at the library?

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review 2018-12-13 18:37
Oh It Was Terrible
Unearthed - Amie Kaufman,Meagan Spooner

1.5 stars. Audiobook. Narration 2.5 stars- Quick thought: A bad remake of Indiana Jones and The temple of Doom.
Long, long and mostly boring inner dialog that made me tune out. This was a book where I just wanted the characters to stop talking, yeh not good. The female MC was so irritating, she had this uncanny ability to do stupid stuff and then talk herself into thinking it was brilliant. She's a cliche in all ways, a street rat trying to save her sister from slavery, a school drop out who is actually a mathematical genius, perfect because the male MC isn't at all and they need it to save their lives. It's not that she's smart that bugged me it was how it suddenly came up and then became her crown, and her old persona was forgotten. The male MC was the son of a famous notorious man who is on a mission to prove his daddy right. He's English, and unprepared for this planet. yes they are on another planet. So we have a street wise scavenger and rich college grad, to save them all. There is an uncomfortable bit of romance going on that does not fit in the story at all.
The adventure is them trying to solve an ancient mystery left by an alien race filled with booby traps. Oh and yes they are also being chased by evil villains armed with guns. Very Indiana Jones with out the fun entertaining parts. They are able to solve puzzles and escape traps, amazing right ? Then when danger is nearest they rest/sleep and get caught. So they out smart, dumb down and out smart back and forth till finally at the end we see what the real deal is. The doom that only these two misfit kids could figure out and just when you think things might resolve, they get caught again.


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review 2018-05-29 17:55
Unearthed - Amie Kaufman,Meagan Spooner

This was such a fun read! I'm not normally a fan of books set in space (aside from Illuminae), but when I discovered that this story was written along the lines of Indiana Jones in space exploring temples, solving puzzles, running from villains, attempting to save the world, I knew I had to give it a try. I'm already a fan of Amie Kaufman and I very much enjoyed Meagan Spooner's Hunted, so I was pretty sure I was going to like this one.


Two teens find a way onto the planet Gaia where an extinct alien race called the Undying left behind secrets and tech in their vast temples surrounded by puzzles and traps. Jules is a scholar and wants only to learn more about the Undying, uncover their secrets and discover exactly what was left behind. Mia is intent on scavenging whatever tech the Undying left behind to sell in hopes of raising enough money to buy her sister's freedom.


The unlikely pair agrees to a tentative partnership when they realize they need each other to find their way through the temple traps. The story alternates POVs so we always know what each character's intentions are and their reasons for being distrustful of each other. The characters were great. Jules is lovable and brainy while Mia is street smart and resourceful. They each have very different goals, but have to find a way to work together to reach them. Even the villains were interesting characters.


This unfortunately is a duology.  I say "unfortunately" because I was not expecting that ending. Such a cliffhanger! Thanks a lot ladies. You knew exactly what torture you would be putting us through. A quote from the acknowledgements reads, "Sorry about that. (Well, not really. We're pretty unapologetic.)" You are both evil geniuses and I hope you're pleased with yourselves. January 2019 is far too long of a wait for book 2!




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review 2018-01-23 16:12
Sofia und Gideon
These Broken Stars. Sofia und Gideon - Stefanie Frida Lemke,Amie Kaufman,Meagan Spooner

Lilac und Tarver haben als Einzige den Absturz der Icarus überlebt. Jubilee und Flynn haben die Machenschaften von LaRoux Industries aufgedeckt. Nun treffen sie auf Sofia und Gideon, um den Konzern LaRoux Industries in die Schranken zu weisen.

Sofia und Gideon sind ein einfallsreiches Gespann, das sich auf dem Planeten Corinth zum ersten Mal gegenübersteht. Gideon ist ein berühmt-berüchtigter Hacker und schon mehrere Jahre lang LaRoux Industries auf der Spur. Sofia ist es gewohnt als charmante Hochstaplerin an ihr Ziel zu kommen, wofür sie Gideon gut gebrauchen kann.

„These Broken Stars. Sofia und Gideon“ ist der Abschlussband der These-Broken-Stars-Trilogie. Bereits durch die Titel weiß man, dass in den einzelnen Bänden bestimmte Charaktere im Vordergrund sind. Hinter den Paaren versteckt sich eine Galaxie voll faszinierender Ereignisse, die mit Macht, Korrumpierung und dem sternenumspannenden Konzern LaRoux Industries zu kämpfen hat.

Diese Trilogie ist eindeutig unter Science-Fiction einzuordnen, wobei auch die emotionale Ebene und amouröse Begegnungen nach vorne drängen.

Wie auch bei den vorherigen Bänden ist man als Leser von Anfang an dabei. Man wird sofort in die Handlung auf Corinth gezogen und hat kaum Zeit, sich ein Bild von dem urbanen Planeten zu machen. Sofia und Gideon treffen aufeinander und müssen im gleichen Moment einer brenzligen Situation entgehen.

Sofia ist eine Hochstaplerin, eine Täuscherin und sogar in der Disziplin der Selbsttäuschung äußerst begabt. Sie denkt, dass sie keinem anderen Menschen vertrauen kann, baut Lügengerüste um sich herum auf und lässt niemanden, absolut niemanden, an sich heran.

Gideon lebt als zurückgezogener Nerd, der nicht besonders viel Wert auf reale Gesellschaft legt. Zwar ist er gerne mit seinen Freunden über diverse Foren und Chats verbunden, doch im echten Leben bleibt er lieber für sich allein, weil er sich nur so sicher fühlen kann.

Die Handlung wird zuerst aus den Perspektiven von Sofia und Gideon erzählt. Besonders die erste Hälfte des Buches widmet sich diesem Gauner-Gespann. Als Leser nimmt man abwechselnd ihre Perspektiven ein und begreift, warum sie von der restlichen Welt so abgekapselt sind.

Dazwischen werden Erinnerungen eingestreut, die aus einer ganz anderen Ecke des Universums stammen. Dadurch begreift man Zusammenhänge aus den ersten beiden Bänden, die sich bis zum Ende zu einem Gesamtbild fügen.

Die Handlung lässt nicht zu wünschen übrig. Allerdings wären mir mit Sofia und Gideon allein schnell langweilig geworden. Doch genau im richtigen Moment werden alte Bekannte auf Corinth eingefügt, wodurch die Geschichte eine ganz neue Dynamik erhält.

Schon allein das Setting von Corinth unterscheidet sich stark von den ersten beiden Bänden. Denn Corinth ist eine blühende Stadt, in der das Leben auf verschiedensten Ebenen wuselt. Verschiedenste Etagen werden von unterschiedlichen Bevölkerungsgruppen belebt und ich habe dem Treiben ganz neugierig zugesehen.

Insgesamt habe ich mich gut unterhalten gefühlt. Ich mag den Handlungsrahmen, die verschiedenen Charaktere und dieses Weltraumleben, das die Autorinnen entworfen haben. 

Ich war beim Absturz der Icarus live dabei, habe auf Avon einen Krieg mitangesehen und nun  auf Corinth grauenvolle Machenschaften aufgedeckt. Für mich war „These Broken Stars. Sofia und Gideon“ ein gelungener Abschlussband, der vielleicht nicht mehr ganz so fesselnd wie die ersten beiden Bände war, dafür aber noch einmal einen interessanten Blick auf die Welt von LaRoux Industries erhaschen lässt. 

Die Reihe:
1) These Broken Stars. Lilac und Tarver
2) These Broken Stars. Jubilee und Flynn
3) These Broken Stars. Sofia und Gideon
Source: zeit-fuer-neue-genres.blogspot.co.at
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review 2018-01-19 00:00
Unearthed - Amie Kaufman,Meagan Spooner 3.0 stars...

I was so looking forward to this book because I can't pass up an archaeological treasure hunt in space and I'm a huge fan of the Illuminae series with both Kaufmann and Kristoff but I have to say I was very disappointed with the repetitiveness in the writing! Omg the same things were repeated over and over and over again. If I had a dollar for every time the author repeated the Undying's message or explained what happened to the Explorer IV or repeated Elliott Addison's story, I'd be rich. That's just naming a few. And when I say repeat, I mean the author repeated it word for word. It was beyond irritating. I felt like I was a 5 years old. I deducted a whole star for the repetition.
If you can get past that, the story itself was fun- considering...
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