BLs seems to be back, for the moment. I'm still keeping my other blog because frankly, BLs has a ways to go before winning me back full time. I'll still cross post, when I can, hard side-eyeing the last two days. Adding pictures is still slow for me so to read full post just click on the Whiskey Romance link.
*I forgot to say when I posted about making a new blog, if anyone ever wants to do a guest post about romance books, feel free to let me know :)
I tried to post this fully here but BLs must be punishing me for making a new site because I've had to refresh and try and try again to get this far, posting that lone picture was four tries. I'm sorry but here is the link of the post, that I had NO problem posting on my new blogger site: WhiskeyintheJar Romance
This site has been very...difficult the last week.