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text 2015-05-28 02:38
Books I Won't Read...Ever | T5W
Fifty Shades of Grey - E.L. James
Beautiful Disaster - Jamie McGuire
Shatter Me - Tahereh Mafi
The Selection - Kiera Cass
Phoenix - Elizabeth Richards

I really need to stick to doing these every Wednesday....but despite missing every other week, I'm finally actually doing this on a Wednesday. I probably should have typed this a few days ago BUT I like to procrastinate and wait until the last minute. 


If you didn't know T5W was created by gingerreadslainey and every Wednesday there's a topic in which we choose our top 5 to it. If you want to join, check out the discussion page!


I'm going to be honest here, there are A TON of books I am never going to read. So I chose the first five that popped into my head. 


1) Fifty Shades of Grey by EL James

Do I even need to say why I'm not going to read this? 


2) Beautiful Disaster by Jamie Mcguire

I have actually tried reading this book when it first came out, but I wasn't feeling it. A few years later, I watched a video about the book and the abusive relationship between the two characters. The women talking about the book went into such great detail and because of her, I will never read this book. 


3) Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

I know I know. Everyone loves this series and I'm just here like I ain't never gonna read it. Just like the other two books, I've actually owned this book, tried reading it, and never got into it. It just doesn't seem like something I'm going to get to any to anytime. 


4) The Selection by Keira Cass

The only thing I hear people say about this book is how annoying the main character is. I get annoyed easily with characters and if America Singer (I think that's her name) is annoying as they say, I'm never going to start this.


5) Pheonix by Elizabeth Richards

I was actually contemplating reading this after I finished Black City but I really could not stand that book. I thought about it and I'm just never going to read it. 



I actually had other books on this list (The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey, Allegiant by Veronica Roth, and one of the books of The House of Night series but I cannot remember where I left off in that series...). SO many books, so little time to read them. 


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review 2015-01-16 19:22
Discussion// Black City
Black City - Elizabeth Richards

Series: Black City #1

Published: November 13th 2012


"A dark and tender post-apocalyptic love story set in the aftermath of a bloody war.


In a city where humans and Darklings are now separated by a high wall and tensions between the two races still simmer after a terrible war, sixteen-year-old Ash Fisher, a half-blood Darkling, and Natalie Buchanan, a human and the daughter of the Emissary, meet and do the unthinkable—they fall in love. Bonded by a mysterious connection that causes Ash’s long-dormant heart to beat, Ash and Natalie first deny and then struggle to fight their forbidden feelings for each other, knowing if they’re caught, they’ll be executed—but their feelings are too strong.

When Ash and Natalie then find themselves at the center of a deadly conspiracy that threatens to pull the humans and Darklings back into war, they must make hard choices that could result in both their deaths." -Summary taken from Goodreads.



Be prepared for a long-ish (maybe) rant. I had issues with this book. Major issues.


I watched a video of a booktuber rave about this book and she had gotten me excited to read it. It was sitting on my shelves for a few months and I planned on reading it, but I was ultimately persuaded in reading it sooner than i thought. Maybe I should have listened to my gut and put it off longer. I guess I was a little too excited and hyped for this book. 


The book started off on an...okay/good note. I was a bit confused about a few certain things, but I let them go because they were either explained a little bit later or I figured it out myself. Granted, Ash's haze thing still confuses me, but that was minor. It was something I let go because it wasn't that big of a deal. Then I read on and I realized as the story progressed, just how much I couldn't stand the characters. I also wasn't the hugest fan of the writing. It was mediocre at best. I'm never one to complain about how something is written though (even though I did during Under the Never Sky...)


It was such a shame too because the actual plot of the book was really interesting. I really liked the idea the author had going. The different darklings and how she described them were really good. The world building wasn't that bad either, it reminded me a lot of the Hunger Games. I found it interesting that the Darklings were separated by a large wall from the humans and the only Darklings allowed were ones that were owned and had to be neutered-fangs must be taken out. I liked that, I really did. The plot had so much potential. 


However it all went down hill when I got to the point where Natalie realized she liked Ash. The major issues for me were the characters and the romance. Can anyone say insta-love? I don't think I've ever actually read a book with insta-love and if I had, none are coming to mind. I knew insta-love was annoying, but holy crap I think this one takes the cake. Ash and Natalie absolutely hate each other. They were always fighting and calling each other names, but then Ash protects Natalie and her Darkling maid one day and then BOOM. Natalie is absolutely head over heels for this guy because he did one thing for another Darkling. I don't even remember how Ash started liking Natalie, that's how much Natalie's infatuation with this guy stuck with me.


Then there's the scene after some stuff happened and then they have sex. Natalie had mentioned at the beginning of the book that she's virgin and I thought that maybe she would have thought before having sex with him, but nope she doesn't. That scene was also written in Ash's p.o.v and it was like he didn't even ask her if it was okay. They just went straight at it and he described it as something amazing. Or beautiful. I don't know. I just know I was annoyed. It just didn't make any sense. And on top of that, something had happened and they were covered in blood...and they still did the do.


The amount of eye rolling I did when reading this book was unbelievable. 


Before that even happened, they confess they're love and Natalie says it's crazy because and I quote "Face it Ash, we barely know anything about each other.". (Natalie had also mentioned that everything happened in two weeks, but I couldn't find the page to quote the exact words.) I couldn't believe it holy crap. It didn't matter apparently. I just don't understand how you could hate someone than two weeks later tell them you love them. I just don't. Too impracticable for me. 


The other characters-along with Ash and Natalie-were very inconsistent as well. They were up and down and moody.


There's Beetle, Ash's best friend who's a drug addict. There's Day, the girl who's in love with him. Day blames Ash for getting Beetle addicted to haze and basically hates on the two of them (more Ash) throughout more than half of the book. Beetle and his drug addiction was annoying and him and Ash kept getting into fights-even going as far as physically attacking each other-for the dumbest reasons. That's not a healthy friendship. 


Day is basically Natalie's rent-a-friend (almost positive that's the term used). Natalie is forced to go to a new school and Day is into politics and what not so she has to show Natalie around and stuff. I don't know how they can just become best friends so quickly, but that happened. They were also getting into fights every couple of pages. Day was just mad because Natalie liked Ash and this girl is like "You have to choose me or him!" at one point and of course Natalie being Natalie, she chooses Ash. I was so done at that point. 


Then there was Evangeline, Ash's other love interest who also happened to be a Darkling as well. She was just all over Ash and Ash was just accepting it, despite supposedly being in love with Natalie. They barely knew each other too but did that stop them? Nope. There's a part where she has to leave for dumb reasons and the way it was written was so anticlimactic. It was so cheesy in a bad way.


Then on top of that, everyone kept blaming Natalie for what her dbag of a mom did. How could they blame her for something someone else did? 


The ending also kept dragging on and switching p.o.vs. I couldn't wait to be done with this book. 


I'm sorry for the rants. It's just that books like these with so much potential and they fall flat, anger me. They really do. I want to continue the series for the plot's sake, but those characters. 


Let me know you're thoughts! Did you read this book and like it or no? Or if you're interested in reading. Thanks for reading! 

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review 2015-01-09 07:05
It’s the game changer of the entire series
Wings - Elizabeth Richards

I think I m going to eat my words.

Yes I have been pretty vocal about the fact that I was not a big fan of the series but that was until I read wings. I wish the author had used the power of plot that was in wings in her previous books as well

Lets go back to the previous books. Black city, the very first book was nothing but a different version of twilight set in dystopian world with pretty much nothing new to offer and I still stand by that. Phoenix, the second book was a cliché romance but somewhat had a little plot in working very discretely in the back.

Now the third and the finale book, Wings was like the author gave the entire series a 360 degree makeover (that or I just came back to the series in the new year with a fresh mind after a long hiatus)

Wings had finer and interesting plot than the previous book. So much that I wish we could escape the first two and jump into the third directly but the fact is that the events in wings had all been a gradual progress from the previous two books. There are whole set of old and new characters that bring so much to the plot that you instantly forgive the author for the lack luster prequels.

I am still miffed about the whole dystopian world that forms the backdrop of the story. The reason being the inability of the author to shed the stark similarities to our present world and making it impossible for me to fully believe that this is a post apocalyptic world. Also by the third bookthere are a whole set of jargons and terminologies meant for the dystopian world which comes without any explanations.The plot halts in between to describe dresses and surroundings which is like stopping your car right in the middle of a heavy traffic because you wanted to stretch your legs … which is something you never do

The romance part still irks me with insta-love syndrome plaguing it

Natalie the female character is still a struggle for me to cope with but hey there are always weird characters in real life too. In fact some are so bad that I quiver with the sight of their mere shadows but still I survive and hence I survived Natalie through the book as well.

Also I felt the narration and scene settings were a bit “movie-ish”. Fit for screen but not a bright idea when it comes to a book. Both have a complete different style of narration

Hold on before you roll your eyes and say that then how come the book is good

The book is good because the series finally has come out of cliché romance and have actual solid plot which is filled with so much thrills and turns that it is nothing less of a roller coaster ride. I love as how towards the end the author completely threw in a new revelation making it so damn good that I was bouncing like a monkey on my chair for having rewarded for sticking with the series.

Yes the book has stuff I hate like an annoying female lead, creepy romance stuff but in spite of that Wings is the best in the entire black city trilogy with a rock solid plot filled with elements that you could not possibly imagine would happen. So many revelations, twists and turns made this book good and I am finally happy that I stayed with the series with a truck load of patience. Wings survive because of its plot. 

how was it?

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review 2014-12-16 09:24
Nah !!!!
Phoenix - Elizabeth Richards

I know it might be the perfect book for the paranormal romantics, but for someone who has been devouring this genre; this is plain repetition and nothing else. I understand that the book has every element that worked in twilight, hush hush series and every other successful paranormal genre. yet for me it was ….Nah!!!

Let me be honest, this book is not bad but not good as well. There is nothing to the book even if it has managed to shelve out three books (god knows how and why). The book reminded me of Legend series by Marie Lu so much that I actually wanted to go back and read Legend.

The story in the sequel is at least better than Black city but yes the romance crap still irks me to the core but then this is a romance novel so I can’t exactly complain about the book based on that sole reason. While I can still cope with the male lead “ash” it’s the female “Natalie” that irritates me in the book. The girl is a disaster coming from lack of brains or “weepy and fragile heroine” syndrome. Either ways that is not someone that can carry this book very far

The second book comes up with a love triangle
… Bravo!!! For bringing up such a brilliant, stupidest and the lamest trick ever in book writing…

I am amazed at our self sacrificing, altruistic girl getting attracted to the next guy that comes along after prophesying eternal love throughout the first book and using big bold words like “love” only to redefine its meaning in the sequel.

Best part. ?
Barely at 15 or 17 years, our leads are getting married….

Yippie !!! (please excuse me, while I bash my head against a wall)

Once again let me say that “ its not you. but me “. The book per say is not that bad, its just that I could not digest it. The problem with the book was that it was kind of cliché in the romance department and if I may say was totally vomit inducer for me. But other than my obvious hatred to teenage romance and marriage, the book actually has a better story line than the first one and the narration technique and the language is simple and good. Then again like the first book, the dystopian world crumples because of weak foundation. Romance novel fans will definitely swoon over this for obvious reasons. Dystopian and paranormal fans on the other hand will die of prolonged puking.

Basically the book is equally bad as much as it is good… The book died for me because of its predictable story plot and lack of proper background.

How was it?

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review 2014-12-11 07:53
It’s time to let go off twilight
Black City - Elizabeth Richards

When twilight came out, so did the obsession with vampires. Edward Cullen became the ultimate poster boy for quintessential lover and “vegetarian vampire” and just like every other girl, I was also drowned deep in the world of Team Jacob and Team Edward ( not gonna mention which team…I m taking that secret to the grave ) but times changed, the phase slowly got over and I moved on to better monsters, “angels” (yup girls if you did not realize angels are the hot new lover commodity in the fiction market). But apparently some are still clinging on to their twilight phase a little too hard like our author, I guess

Black city is kind of “twilight” set in dystopian world.
If any of you guys have read “legend series” by Marie Lu then let me tell you that the book shows a strong traces of that world and so much that I thought Marie Lu has written this book with a vampire protagonist ooops I mean darkling (as per the book).

The book is actually a mix and match of various popular paranormal books and the plot is more or less predictable but I will give that there are certain elements that kind of give it a bit of individuality but not enough to say that it is “something different”.

The book is not bad but it is nothing new and that is bad by my rules. But fans of twilight or similar genre will definitely find their love rekindled in the black city series but people who are looking for new and improved substances will scratch their head till it bleeds over the cliché and annoying pair of central character.

On a personal front, I hated the female protagonist “Natalie” and I have my reason for that but I am not gonna discuss it here for everybody has their own rights to love or hate the characters and I m not gonna feed you about how you should take the characters. It will be unfair.

For a dystopian world novel, the book kind of goes impromptu and picks up elements from here and there failing in proper setting. The dystopian world of Elizabeth Richards is still hanging in our present without much change and trying to convince us that it is set in a post apocalyptic world. Not working. How will it, when you are clearly referring and portraying to present day traditions and lifestyle. The world is not credible enough.

Black city has a predictable story line and more or less is a dystopian version of “twilight” without anything new to it. Though it is not bad, it is kind of a compilation of various paranormal books read and talked about. The dystopian world is not sharp enough and kind of felt picked up from the “legend series” without much work done to it. It’s the cliché ‘boy meet girl versus the world armed with their weapon of love…blah blah… you get the point. Fans of romance especially paranormal romance, twilight and vampires will love this one. Other people like me… not so much

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