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review 2014-06-10 17:17
Book Review: The Crescent By Jordan Deen
The Crescent - Jordan Deen


Once upon a time, way back when I was 13 years old, I thought this was the BEST book ever written. I don't agree with my 13 year old self anymore. Maybe I used to like books with frustrating heroines that couldn't make up her damn mind, but not anymore.


I lost count of how many times I wanted to break my phone in half because of how indecisive Lasey was. One moment she loves Alex and the next "oh Brandon can't die because of me" and after that "oh well, who cares! Certainly NOT me!". That got old by the first half of the book.


I really disliked how she just threw around the L word (Love). Maybe it's just me, but the way I see it you LOVE your family, you LOVE your dog, you DON'T LOVE the guy you know for about 2 weeks.


The guys (Alex & Brandon) were so pushy and domineering. She had to do this and that and had to 'please' them. URGH....What century are you living in? She doesn't have to pick anyone, nor does she have to 'please' them.


The story was nicely narrated and the writing was easy to get into and follow (if you ignore Lasey and her whirlwind of emotions, confusion and naivety) it's truly a wonderful book. I really wanted to agree with my 13 year old self, but it just couldn't happen. Maybe it's because I already have an idea of what I want a heroine to be like in a book and this book just doesn't represent that anymore.


Favorite Quotes:


No favorite quotes for this novel. It was just so frustrating that I actually got carried away in getting mad and forgot to highlight while I was reading C:

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review 2013-09-21 00:00
The Crescent - Jordan Deen The cover for this really pisses me off.
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review 2012-08-17 00:00
Breaking Lauren
Breaking Lauren - Jordan Deen Lauren is starting her first day off at her new school in Mountain View, CA. Thankfully the popular girls take her in and she instantly falls for the hottest, jockiest guy in high school. Lauren has a goal to be popular and snag the hottie all for her very own. Yep, this is gonna be her year.

Danny is a boozer, a user, and an abuser. He is on a rocky road that leads to nowhere good. Never one for being with the same girl twice has him questioning himself when he lays eyes on Lauren. The innocent girl with the bright green eyes sparks something deep inside him and he has to know her…all of her. Slowly Danny is changing his ways and it’s all due to Lauren. Being around her just the little bit he has been has him wanting to be a better person; to be worthy of her.

Lauren has heard things about Danny…how he has been in juvie and a real trouble maker. But there was something about him and those blue eyes that has her tempted to throw caution to the wind and know him…all of him. But her parents, her friends, and her goal of being popular keep her grounded. She cannot chance throwing it all away. She has worked too hard to get where she is at. Not to mention he has one heck of a temper and possibly hates her. But oh lord those eyes….

I absolutely loved Breaking Lauren. It was a great read that kept my interest the entire time and I found I was quickly falling for Danny. He was exactly the type I fell for back in high school. Yep, the bad boy type. Jordan, I think I love him more than Brandon from the Crescent series. He kinda reminds me of a younger, YA version of Travis Maddox from Beautiful Disaster. Just adorbs!

And then we have Lauren…poor confused, naive Lauren. Lord help that girl for she knows not what she does…or who she is. Living in the shadows of a sister who could do no wrong…Lauren really needs this time to learn who she is. Good grief she is only 15 and claiming she is in love with a boy she has only known a couple months. Ok, I might have been a little dramatic at that age too. So I will let this one slide. But honestly, Lauren could be a little annoying letting others choose her life for her. Hopefully things get better for her as the series continues.

The one thing I didn’t understand was the fact that Lauren wants to marry a guy she loves and have the kind of marriage her parents have. Cute right? Yeah there is only one problem with that little scenario…her parents have one of the worst marriages possible. So my question is…is Lauren wearing blinders when it comes to her parents? Obviously not, since she lets Danny in on the fact that they fight all the time. I guess it’s that fairy tale belief that it will all work out in the end. I don’t know…I am just grasping for something to make it all make sense.

So then we have the ending. This one definitely goes down as the most irritating ending of 2012 for me. And I mean that in the best way possible. Cause yeah, I loved that it just left us hanging. I understand that others will be furious with it being such a huge cliff hanger but not me. It has me itching, craving for book two (Losing Lauren).

I fell in love with Jordan’s work (The Crescent) back when I had a myspace and she friended me telling me about her book. And here it is a few years later and I still heart her writing. If you are looking for that angsty-wanna-pull-your-hair-out type of contemporary fiction…Breaking Lauren is perfect. I loved it and hope you will enjoy it too.
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review 2012-08-08 00:00
The Crescent by Jordan Deen (The Crescent, #1)
The Crescent - Jordan Deen

*Read the full review at Witchmag's Boekenplank*


First of all, I really loved the cover! It gives off such a mysterious feeling, you just don’t know what kind of story you’ll get ^^ The blurb on the other hand doesn’t work in favor of the book. When I read it, it didn’t attract me to start reading. It seems like it would be yet another story about a new boy arrives and it all starts. But this book definitely differs from the all the others!


The book went off with a powerful start with the appearance of a very big dog. Since this book is about werewolves, my mind was already working overtime and was connecting all the possible dots. In reality it went a little bit different than I expected ^^ I was also intrigued by the fact that Lacey appeared to have not one but two possible soul-mates and all the visions she has about what their live will be like ^^


I just thought that Lacey would be better off if she starts listening to what her body tells her. If your body tells you that something is not right, that your sick, you’d usually stay home, right? You wouldn’t think it’s a hallucination, right? Every time it happens? Wouldn’t you start thinking that maybe they’re not hallucinations?


This book has opened my eyes about soul-mates. Before reading this book I always thought how great it would be to have one. But it actually means you’re obligated to love someone, because he’s your soul-mate. Even when you just fell in love with someone else. You’ll know you’ll break that someone heart and you still love him. You just love someone else more, someone you just met a couple of seconds ago. Isn’t that a bit cruel for the one that’s left behind? This problem is described in detail and gave me a whole new look on soul-mates…


Although I liked the fresh look on soul-mates, I didn’t like the soul-mates in question. Both Alex and Brandon didn’t seem to have a lot of “depth.” Not for the role they have in this book. Occasionally they were even annoying and boyfriend material. But alas, I had to cope with them, since there weren’t any other options available…



3 HEARTS. Although the start was strong, it became more fuzzy to the end and my attention wavered. After you read this book you’ll get a whole new look on the soul-mates problem and I really liked that, even when it became very hard for Lacey. She has my full support, even though I would like for her to listen to her body more. If you’re sick, you’re sick -.-

Source: witchmagsboekenplank.wordpress.com/2012/08/08/review-the-crescent-by-jordan-deen
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review 2012-06-25 00:00
Breaking Lauren
Breaking Lauren - Jordan Deen “Breaking Lauren” l’ho letto in tempi brevi, al contrario di come mi capita spesso, come sempre all’oscuro della trama. Ma mi ha incantata subito perché non so dire di no ad una YA romance, dove ci sono entrambi i punti di vista e il protagonista maschile è un maledetto bad boy. Perché le ragazze dicono di volere i più sensibili e dolci ma poi si perdono dietro ai cattivi ragazzi, perché il fascino dello “stronzo” non ha prezzo.Danny vive con lo zio John per cui fa da scagnozzo per ritirare i soldi agli scommettitori inservienti dopo essere stato in carcere minorile a causa di una rissa. Lauren invece si è appena trasferita in California per sfuggire insieme ai genitori ai pettegoli che circondavano la sua famiglia nella sua città natale e inizia a frequentare l’high school di Danny. Si inserisce subito nel giro dei più popolari attirando l’attenzione del capitano della squadra di football. Ma non è il solo, anche Danny rimane affascinato da Lauren e cerca in tutti i modi di conoscerla. La diversità delle loro situazioni e la violenza che circonda Danny fanno in modo di allontanarli e getta Lauren tra le braccia del capitano. I due però provano qualcosa di forte l’uno per l’altra. Riusciranno ad essere felici? Danny riuscirà a redimersi?Jordan Deen ha creato il tipo di storia che io adoro leggere. Lo so lo so. Quante ne esistono di storie del genere con un bad boy dedito all’alcool e alle risse e una protagonista femminile pura e innocente che non riesce a dirgli di no perché in fondo in fondo il ragazzo non è così malvagio? Tante, e altrettante io ne ho lette ma non riesco a smettere di leggerle, perché in fondo il fascino di un bad boy super hot è irrinunciabile. Se poi la scrittrice è tanto brava da farti immergere completamente nella storia ecco che mi ha conquistata. Metteteci poi il fatto che alterna i punti di vista si Danny e Lauren, mostrandoci l’evoluzione della storia da entrambe le situazioni ed ecco che parto per la tangente. Già perché chi mi segue lo sa che io non riesco a rinunciare ad un punto di vista maschile, che sono quelli che mi affascinano di più.Danny è un ragazzo che ha dei problemi con l’alcool, abbandonato dalla famiglia quando si ritrova in un carcere minorile viene accolto dallo zio che lo tratta in modo speciale, facendolo diventare uno del suo gruppo, il suo braccio destro. Tra risse, ripicche e vendette, Danny tira pugni senza pensare alle conseguenze insieme al suo migliore amico Brandon che è tutto muscoli e zero cervello. Brandon mi è stato antipatico fin dall’inizio perché è incapace di controllarsi e anche quando alla fine sembra redimersi non sono riuscita a farmelo andare giù. Danny è fin dall’inizio consapevole delle sue mancanze ma crede di non avere chance, perché suo padre lo ha in qualche modo rinnegato, dopo aver perso il lavoro a causa sua. Si sente solo e l’unica cosa che sembra aiutarlo è bere, bere fino a non aver coscienza di sé e di ciò che lo circonda, di quello che lo rende il fratello maggiore che Sarah, la sua sorellastra, adora. Ma non è semplice disintossicarsi, redimersi, se non si ha la voglia di farlo, di recuperare i rapporti, tornare sulla giusta strada. E Danny vuole farlo per Lauren anche se Lauren non lo vuole.Lauren è la classica ragazza pura e semplice che non si rende conto di nulla finché non gli finisce sotto il naso e anche in quel caso può rimanere cieca. Le sue nuove amiche cercano di darle una svegliata portandola in un bar, dove resta immischiata in una rissa in cui non sa come comportarsi. Sogna la vita perfetta, essere cheerleader, avere il ragazzo più popolare della scuola, un gruppo di amici con cui uscire e sentirsi a suo agio, avere il sogno di ogni adolescente trasformato in realtà. E ci riesce pure se non fosse per il tarlo di Danny. La Deen riesce a ricreare bene la tensione tra i due che trova sfogo solo quando Danny si avvicina a Lauren. Nonostante il suo continuo negarlo, Lauren è attratta da Danny, perché diamine oltre ad essere un bel ragazzo tutto muscoli e contorni ben segnati e duri, cicatrici di guerra e spirito da badass, ha anche un cuore generoso e straprotettivo nei confronti di Sarah e non esita a buttarsi in una rissa per salvare l’onore delle ragazze a cui tiene. Naturalmente Lauren vuole avere il suo sogno di vita perfetta e Danny non glielo può dare con il suo essere così fuori le righe ma non può negarne l’attrazione. Il finale molto in sospeso, le guerre che non finiscono solo perché qualcuno lo vuole, rendono l’attesa per il seguito ancora più difficile. Il particolare da non dimenticare? Una rosa rossa…eh leggete leggete leggete.Il libro è assolutamente da leggere se amate le YA romance perché la storia è intensa e trattata con spirito e competenza e Danny, beh ha fascino da vendere. Certo ogni tanto si vorrebbe spaccare la faccia a Lauren ma non si può avere tutto dalla vita…o da un libro. A fine anno dovrebbe uscire il seguito di “Breaking Lauren” intitolato “Losing Lauren” e non vedo l’ora di metterci le mani sopra perché sono curiosa di sapere come finisce la storia. Io continuo a fare il tifo per Danny.Buona lettura guys!Ringrazio immensamente Netgalley e Black Rose Writing per avermi concesso la preziosa opportunità di leggere questo libro in anteprima, in cambio della mia recensione.Recensione anche sul mio blog:http://pleaseanotherbook.tumblr.com/post/27763004759/breaking-lauren-by-jordan-deen
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