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review SPOILER ALERT! 2017-11-12 18:36
Stalker: Thriller - Louise Voss,Mark Edw... Stalker: Thriller - Louise Voss,Mark Edwards,Beate Brammertz

€ 9,99 [D] inkl. MwSt. 


€ 10,30 [A] |  CHF 13,90* 


(* empf. VK-Preis) 


Taschenbuch, BroschurISBN: 978-3-442-74571-5




Erschienen: 14.08.2017 




Alex Parkinson ist wie vom Blitz getroffen, als er seine Dozentin aus dem Schreibkurs zum ersten Mal sieht. Siobhan ist wunderschön, intelligent und teilt auch noch seine große Leidenschaft: das Schreiben. Niemals zuvor hat er jemanden so sehr geliebt. Doch wie kann er Siobhan davon überzeugen, dass sie zusammengehören? Besessen von der Idee, sein Leben mit ihr zu teilen, findet Alex heraus, wo Siobhan wohnt, verliert seinen Job für sie, macht ihr Geschenke, kümmert sich um ihre Katze, liest in ihrem Tagebuch. Alex würde alles für Siobhan tun – bis plötzlich eine junge Frau tot vor ihrem Haus liegt …

Meine Meinung:


Ich bin durch den ja sehr aussagekräftigen Titel auf das Buch aufmerksam geworden. Ich habe bisher zwei Stalkingromane gelesen, da mich das Thema sehr interessiert. Freundlicherweise wurde mir das Buch zu Rezensionszwecken vom Verlag zur Verfügung gestellt.

Der Einstieg in das Buch ist mir anfangs nicht ganz so leicht gefallen, habe mich nach einiger Zeit aber gut herein gefunden. 

Das Buch fängt direkt ziemlich heftig an, da geht es ja um den Mord an die unbeteiligte junge Frau. 

Ich muss aber sagen, dass ich insgesamt den ersten Teil nicht sonderlich spannend fand, dies kam zum Glück später noch. 

Im zweiten Teil ging es dann richtig zur Sache. Ich hatte nie mit den vielen kompletten Wendungen und Veränderungen der Charaktere gerechnet. Ab da war das Buch ein absoluter Pageturner für mich. Andererseits fand ich diese Wendung aber auch etwas unrealistisch und auch sehr heftig. Genau das hat das Buch aber auch irgendwie besonders gemacht. 

Alles in allem war dies ein interessantes Buch über Stalking, auch, dass sich die Dinge wenden können. Von mir gibt es eine Kauf- und Leseempfehlung für alle, die gerne etwas mit dieser Thematik lesen möchten. Von mir bekommt das Buch 4 Sterne. 

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review 2016-07-24 09:29
From the Cradle - Louise Voss,Mark Edwards

If you want a slow burner, then do not read this book! Drawn in, quicker than a moth to a flame, from the very 1st page as we follow the team trying to get the three missing children back. Who has taken them and why? I read it at every opportunity in my haste to find out what happened. There are plenty of twists and turns, enough to keep anyone happy with thrills aplenty - a great book!

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review 2015-10-09 09:27
The Blissfully Dead
The Blissfully Dead (A Detective Lennon Thriller) - Louise Voss,Mark Edwards

I was never a teenager who became obsessed with a band, pop star or actor but have heard about those who do in the media. From what I picked up from that source over the years The Blissfully Dead is chillingly accurate.
Teenage girls who worship a boy band are being tortured and murdered. Lennon and his team at desperate to find the killer before more die. They have to find a connection between thousands of forum and social media posts to try and find a link. And then the killing gets much closer.
I like the group of detectives who feature in this series with the exception of one, Winkler. He is just as obnoxious and infuriating as he was in From the Cradle. The only difference was that I could laugh at him as well as snarl. There wasn't as much focus on Lennon's private life which I was slightly disappointed in. I hope that we find out more in future books, as well as more about Carmella and Suzanne.
The band and all the people associated with them were believable, some of the fans not so but I did enjoy reading about their antics. I really enjoyed the parts that's involved Kai, he was very entertaining.
I am looking forward to reading more in this series, I have read both books in the last couple of weeks and enjoyed them very much.
With thanks to Marks Edwards and Louise Voss for the copy received via netgalley.

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review 2015-09-29 12:09
From the Cradle
From the Cradle - Louise Voss,Mark Edwards

From the Cradle is intense right from the opening chapter. We often read a crime novel where a lead police officer has a troubled private life but l think that Patrick Lennon must be very near the top of the list for having the most difficult and unusual one.
Along with Carmella, Winkler and Suzanne he is trying to find three young missing children. Very much aware that time is against them they are desperate to find a link and reunite the children with their frantic parents. Not all the team are working together. Winkler is not a team player and resents Lennon being in charge of the investigation. Lennon himself is struggling to stay in control. His private life is very close to the investigation and at times he questions his ability.
I had no idea which way the tale was going to go. There were a lot of twists throughout, especially in the final third, maybe if I've any gripe, a few too many. But it didn't ruin the book at all.
I would love to know how writing a book as a joint project works. I have read books by Mark Edwards before but I've never read any of the books that are also written by Louise Voss. I was quite impressed and I am happy that I have the second book in the Patrick Lennon series to read. Incidentally the second novel The Blissfully Dead is released today.

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review 2015-09-23 10:03
The Blissfully Dead (A Detective Lennon Thriller) - Louise Voss,Mark Edwards

I have several books by these authors in my TBR pile but this is the first one I have read. Popular boy band with fanatical teenage followers - all nice and normal until some of them are found murdered. This would have been a 4 star book but I just found the character of Winkler to be unbelievable and unconvincing. The story was fast paced with plenty going on and I thought it was great. I'm now looking forward to reading the other books by this talented pair.

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