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text 2014-03-22 23:50
Finally some room to breath

This week I hade an oral exam, and I passed. My next homework assignements are due in more then a week, and though I do have to keep up with my work, I will have some time to relax - mostly because approaching deadlines are stressful, and stress is tiring.


I've started reading a Dutch fantasy novel, which is a bit of a slow read. After that I will start reading a novel in the Witcher series, which is originally written in Polish. Since I cannot speak Polish I have to read a translation. This is a pity, I usually try to read books in their original language - but then, most books I read are written in English.


I've gotten some motivation for my novel project, though I still haven't been able to reach the 10000 word goal.
I'll be spending next week writing on a short story project for a contest (a Dutch one, the Paul Harland Prijs.).


I have been working on a short story for  the contest before, but though I liked its atmosphere, it wouldn't go anywhere. So I decided to start a new one. The weird thing is that I like starting new stories, exploring new worlds and creating new characters. But though I like the feeling of creating something new, I often have no idea what that new thing will be - and that's a very weird feeling. I have a few tricks to get some ideas.
One is a game called 'once upon a time', which is a storytelling game. The cards used for the game can also be used for story inspiration. Tarot cards are another way to get some inspiration, especially with an established character - it's terrible fun to read a characters card and interpret them.

The method I used now is browsing Pinterest. I used the keyword 'fantasy', as that is what I write. I look at all the pretty pictures and keep browsing, letting ideas form in my head. I really feel that what came out of it is pretty good. I'd like to share it with you all, and shout it out for the world, but I hope you'll forgive me for not sharing my idea with everyone. I'd like to submit is still.


My target goal for the short story is 10000 words, just like what I'm unable to reach for my novel project. In any case, camp nano is next month and I'd like to reach the goal by the end of april. I then have 2 months to review it, and maybe even rewrite it. Wish me luck.


I wish you all a great weekend!

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