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review 2017-09-11 01:58
World building needed some work
Colorless - Rita Stradling Colorless - Rita Stradling

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and Pikko's House to read and review.

I was drawn to Colorless because of it's gorgeous cover. I had relatively high expectations for this book and I found it to be quite interesting. I was reminded of the Greek gods with the world presented in Colorless. But I honestly feel as if the gods and magicians were not explained thoroughly enough. The world concept was good, but I feel like it was not entirely fleshed out well enough. I found myself a little confused at times, feeling as though an explanation was missing.

As for the idea of the iconoclasts, I didn't feel the same way. I feel as if this aspect of the book was done very well. I loved the description of the transformation as Annabelle lost her color. The description was so vivid and I thought that the idea was so cool and executed well. I loved that not only could other people not see her, but they that she, or anything that she had touched ever existed.

Colorless made for a rather interesting fantasy novel. It contained mostly original concepts, which is refreshing. I feel as if the market is overflowing with vampires and werewolves. I have read many books that feel as if they could be the same novel. But this felt new and fresh. 

The characters were likable. I loved how stubborn Annabelle could be. I never found her overly haughty or annoying, as I often do with characters of nobility. The brothers were all enjoyable as well. I liked the banter back and forth that you only get within families. Another thing I loved about Annabelle was her loyalty to her cousin. She didn't allow anyone else to speak unkindly about him. It was clear that she valued family, which is a quality that I respect.

Overall, I think that it made for a good read. The world building could use a little work, but besides that it was an interesting, original and captivating tale. I would recommend to readers of fantasy and YA.

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review 2017-04-07 19:41
Great Story and Characters
The Fourteen Day Soul Detox: The Complet... The Fourteen Day Soul Detox: The Complete Serial - Rita Stradling

Jamie woke up with Sarah who was eight in her bed curled up next to her. It was Jamie’s birthday and she would just as soon go back to sleep. Cameron had slept on her coach last night. Cameron babysat Sarah a lot. Patrick was a handsome man and came up to say hi to Jamie and asked if his daughter Kay could have a play date with Sarah. Sarah was a special needs child as she had autism and she was in a special needs class half the day after lunch she had the same class as Kay. At night Jamie worked at her father’s bar that was why Cameron babysat so much. As Patrick and Jamie were walking a woman called out to Patrick and it was Whitney who was talking to Patrick and angering Jamie about the services she “demanded” for special needs children. Jamie told Whitney her husband had died a year ago to stop gossip and Cameron had been her husband Logan’s best friend. Jamie was meeting her sister for lunch then she seen her mother was there and wanted to walk back out. Jamie hadn’t talked to her mother in nine months. Six years ago Logan and Jamie had bought the Coffee Spot’s building. Chris was her baker and a friend and he felt that she should take the offer she had got and sell the Coffee Spot. Chris knew the Coffee Spot had been Logan’s dream. Not Jamie’s. At one time Jamie was in a pop group called Cherry Pie  and they had even made a CD. Chris got a copy of the CD and gave it to Jamie for her birthday. Janie had two very good friends that were a couple Susan and Beser. Susan was Logan’s twin. Susan and Jamie made up a fourteen day soul detox list for Jamie when Susan spent the night with Jamie. Things seemed to be escalating with  her neighbor Clarke and Jamie was getting really scared. Jamie found out Patrick’s father is the person who sued her a couple days after Logan had died. He had basically won and taken everything and the shop had a big lean on it that would take Jamie a long time to pay off if she didn’t sell. Jamie barely paid herself above minimum wage  to manage the shop. Jamie told Patrick Sr. that she would never sell the shop to him and then she went in and told Patrick off also. Then Amy came and spent the night and then decided to make a video to get out the news the elementary school let a special needs teacher go for a full time dance teacher. Then there was an incident with Clarke. Jamie and Sarah have moved in with Cameron and Jamie decided to go ahead and sell the shop and would work for Patrick for one year. Jamie also apologized to Patrick for starting on him and they were working again on being friends.

I was so happy to read this whole serial as I had already read the first part through NetGalley when it was available but now I had the whole story I could read and I loved   it!!!. My heart went out to Jamie with all she has had to endure. But then she decided to work on her life and had the fourteen day soul detox list and was doing her best to follow each step every day. She took this list seriously and grew a lot in this story as she completed day by day her list. I also felt bad what Clarke was putting her and then Cameron through too. This was realistic as far as I am concerned. I loved the plot but there was more than one thing going on in this story yet everything flowed and there was no confusion. I loved Cameron and Jamie as a couple but I felt bad when he seen her list and was hurt and angry. I also loved how the author showed a lot about autism and how an autistic child can act. I tip my hat to the author. I really can’t think of anything I didn’t like about this complete story. It was funny at times and heartbreaking at others and it felt like I was there with Cameron and Jamie. I liked that memories showed that had happened to Jamie and what she had went through I loved Cameron as the man he was and how he was there for Jamie and Sarah, This was just an excellent read. I loved the characters and the twists and turns of this story and I highly recommend.

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text 2017-04-02 15:09
REVIEW BY AMY - Making Bad Choices by Rita Stradling
Making Bad Choices - Rita Stradling
Culter Fuller came back into my life on the day my mother died, as if losing my mother wasn't bad enough.

We hated each other since childhood. Well, I hated him, and I thought it was mutual. He had a very different story. 

When I moved to my dad's house to finish my last semester of high school, we went from bitter enemies to. . . something else. He was suddenly everywhere, occupying my space, determined to pull me into his life, filling me with thoughts I knew were wrong. 

I knew that soon we would cross a line that should never be crossed. 

I knew crossing that line could have very serious consequences; because Culter Fuller wasn't just any irresistible boy, Culter Fuller was my stepbrother. 

But, I was always very bad at making the right choices.
[Recommended for 16 + this is a mature YA or New Adult book]



@stradling_rita, @XpressoReads, @Mommy_Amers, #Young_Adult, #New_Adult, #Contemporary, #Romance, 5 out of 5 (exceptional)


Source: sites.google.com/site/archaeolibrarian/amy/makingbadchoicesbyritastradling
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review 2017-03-09 14:14
Ensnared by Rita Stradling
Ensnared - Rita Stradling

Oh, how I love a good retelling, and this story definitely fit that bill!
Beauty, or Alainn, was a perfect match for the Beast, Lorccan. The chemistry between them was undeniable. And with this Steampunk Sci-Fi twist, it made the relationship so much more interesting.
Like Lorccan's house.... seriously, this place sounds huge and what a wonder it would be in real life. 
Just like a good fairy tale, all things have happy endings. Everyone gets what they want in the end, and all is well in the kingdom.
I like that, especially in this story!
Majority of you who read my reviews will surely gobble this one right up!



Source: www.fredasvoice.com/2017/03/ensnared-by-rita-stradling-6-earlyreview.html
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review 2017-03-04 17:39
Die Schöne und das Biest und Roboter!
Ensnared - Rita Stradling

»No need for a tow truck,« Alainn yelled. With another black cloud backfiring its farewell, her piece of scrap metal turned back onto the street.
– Chapter 1

Mit Ensnared begeben wir uns in die Welt einer neuen Märchen-Neuinterpretation, diesmal anhand der Geschichte von Die Schöne und das Biest! Dabei liefert das Buch mehr als man zunächst erwartet und verlegt die Handlung in eine nicht näher definierte Zukunft, in der künstliche Intelligenzen und Roboter zum Alltag gehören. Trotzdem wirkt die Szenerie nicht zu weit entfernt und trägt einen Hauch altmodischen Steampunks mit quietschenden Schrauben und tropfenden Ölkännchen in sich.

Die Schöne in Ensnared wird hier von Alainn verkörpert, der Tochter des etwas schusselig wirkenden Erfinders. Mit ihrem Charakter warm zu werden ist mir ein wenig schwer gefallen, da sie sich zu oft als Spielball benutzen lässt, obwohl sie eigentlich nicht auf den Kopf gefallen ist. Sie macht es ein wenig wett dadurch, dass sie einen knackigen Humor hat. Sowohl Alainns Vater als auch ihr Bruder Colby gehören dagegen zur Gattung »verrückter Professor«. Sie versinken so tief in ihren Forschungen, dass sie ihre Umwelt nicht recht zu bemerken scheinen und gerade zu Beginn kaltherzig und egoistisch wirken. Die häusliche Arbeit bleibt an Alainn hängen und die Fürsorge für ihren Vater führt schließlich dazu, dass sie sich freiwillig als Ersatz für den Roboter Rose in Lorccans Turm schicken lässt. Weder Vater noch Bruder protestieren in irgendeiner Form, dass Alainn für die Fehler ihres Vaters geradestehen will.

Neben den bereits bekannten Elementen der ursprünglichen Geschichte, fügt die Autorin Ensnared immer wieder auch eine bittere Note hinzu. Sie entfernt erfreulicherweise das oft kritisierte Stockholmsyndrom von „Belle“ und erzählt stattdessen die Geschichte zweier Menschen die jeder für sich, und letztlich beide gemeinsam, in ihrer jeweiligen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart gefangen sind. Die Figuren haben alle irgendeine Form von mentaler oder körperlicher Schädigung erlitten, viele von ihnen kämpfen seit Jahren gegen ihre Traumata an. Aus meiner Sicht hat es Lorccan, das Biest, am Schlimmsten erwischt. Rose 76GF hatte er in Auftrag gegeben, um zu lernen wie man mit Menschen spricht und umgeht, denn er hat sein Leben bisher ohne echten menschlichen Kontakt, zurückgezogen in seinem Turm, geführt. Die Gründe dafür habe ich als unglaublich traurig empfunden, weil sie oft weniger dramatisch gesehen werden als andere Dinge, aber sie zeugen von einem so tiefen und prägenden Vertrauensbruch, dass ich nicht umhin konnte einen gewissen Beschützerinstinkt zu empfinden. Überhaupt gibt es in Ensnared viele innovative Ideen und Änderungen an der Vorlage, es gibt aber auch Dinge die ich als moralisch richtig falsch empfinde. Die Beziehung zwischen Lorccan und Alainn ist gleichzeitig süß und traurig, an bestimmten Entwicklungsstufen aber auch einfach nur verwerflich, was Alainns Verhalten angeht.

Ich fand es teilweise schwierig zu glauben, dass man einen Menschen für einen Roboter halten kann. Auf die Distanz betrachtet vielleicht noch möglich, aber wie im Märchen entwickelt sich auch zwischen Lorccan und Alainn im Laufe der Zeit eine ebenso emotionale wie körperliche Nähe und da hatte ich dann meine Probleme. Man mag argumentieren, dass Lorccan keine Vergleichsmöglichkeit hat, da er außer seinen Eltern, nie einem Menschen tatsächlich real gegenüber gestanden hat. Trotzdem muss man sich etwas zwingen, ab einem gewissen Grad an Intimität, beide Augen zuzudrücken. Inhaltlich ist hier auch wieder eine kleine Warnung angebracht in Hinblick auf das Lesealter: es gibt recht blumig geschilderte Sexszenen, die zwar geschmackvoll umgesetzt sind, aber eben trotzdem nicht in Kinderhände gehören.

Da ich dieses Buch in einer noch unveröffentlichten Rezensionsfassung erhalten habe, hoffe ich, dass manche Mängel bis zum Release noch ausgemerzt werden. Denn es gibt stellenweise Längen die nicht sein müssten, Erzählperspektiven von Randfiguren die keinerlei Mehrwert haben und hier und da spröde Übergänge in der Handlung oder unzureichend geklärte Fragen. Es steckt aber so viel Potential in dieser Fassung, dass es trotzdem schon jetzt eine bewegende Geschichte mit unerwarteten Wendungen ist. Außerdem jagt einem diese ganze K.I. Sache einen Schauer über den Rücken, dass man die gruselige Wirkung schon wieder bewundern muss.

Fazit: Ensnared hat in der gegenwärtigen Fassung noch ein paar Defizite, trotzdem habe ich es in zwei Tagen weginhalieren müssen. Das Szenario macht Spaß und die nach und nach herausgeschälten Wahrheiten fügen diese Prise Kummer hinzu, die eine Geschichte bittersüß machen. Wer also Märchenneuerzählungen, Roboter und künstliche Intelligenzen mag, der wird mit Ensnared nichts falsch machen können und gelegentlich auch mal einen Lacher loslassen.

Source: moyasbuchgewimmel.de/rezensionen/titel/e/ensnared
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