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text 2016-02-01 08:00
January Reading

Okay, I'm going to do these posts slightly different from last year, but I hope they will still be enjoyable. Basically, I'll be participating in this reading challenge this year. Admittedly, I only joined last week, but the January theme was 'Read whatever you like' so I was exactly doing that subconsciously, and all the books I've read count for the challenge! ;) 


Total books read: 29

Grand Total 2016: 29

Challenge: 29/250 (12%)


Books read and reviewed

(Cover links to review)



Abandon - Archon's Queen - Abomination - The Short Drop - Dead Girls Don't




How to Successfully Kidnap Strangers - Immortal Plague - Hawk - Tookey's Talkies - Rend the Dark



The Green-Eyed Monster - Buzz Books 2016: YA Spring/Summer - Cogling - Negative Space - The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend




Waking Gods - City of Blades


Books read but not yet reviewed

(Cover links to GR page; review to come either soon or around the publication date)



(22/3) Snoopy: Party Animal - (26/3) Cold Girl - (5/7) The Dragon Round - The Unusual Possession of Alastair Stubb - Oasis




(23/2) The Condor in the Stacks - Buzz Books 2016: Spring/Summer - Nirvana - City of Legends - (11/2) The Tiger and The Wolf




(14/4) The Red Notebook - The Palace Library


Also reviewed this month

(Cover links to review)




System Wipe - The Three Monarchs - Spoil the Kill - Confinement - The First




Hellraiser: The Dark Watch Vol. 1 - Pimp My Rice - The Sparrow - The Red Magician - The Choice




Underworld - The Deathsniffer's Assistant - A Reaper of Stone - Casanova: Acedia Vol. 1 - The Quality of Silence




Rat Queens Deluxe Vol. 1 - The Rest of Us Just Live Here - The Accident Season - The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry - In Lucia's Eyes




Dead Aim - Blind Alley - Count Down - 13 Little Blue Envelopes - The Wild Road




Secret Window, Secret Garden - 11/22/63 - The Langoliers - Love Life - De Verrekijker



Equestria Girls - The Interconnectedness of All Kings 

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review 2014-02-07 05:00
Berlijn: Om En Rond De Muur
Berlijn om en rond de muur - Robert Declerck,Margrit Sarbogardi

Ik kreeg dit informatieve boek over Berlijn nadat ik er de eerste keer was geweest en er heel enthousiast over was. Berlijn is een prachtige stad, en ik kom er dan ook graag.


Het boek focust, zoals de titel al doet vermoeden, vooral op de geschiedenis van Berlijn van de afgelopen eeuw, en geeft inzichten in gebeurtenissen en tips om bepaalde plaatsen in Berlijn te bezoeken. Zodoende is het een interessante reisgids, maar ook leuk om te lezen als je niet op het punt staat om naar Berlijn te reizen.

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