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review 2018-05-20 21:45
The Mammoth Book of Vampire Romance 2: Love Bites - Ann Aguirre,Devon Monk, Jennifer Ashley,Nancy Holder,Jaye Wells,Angie Fox,Dina James,Stacia Kane,Jamie Leigh Hansen,Caitlin Kittredge,Tiffany Trent,Larissa Ione,Deborah Cooke,Trisha Telep,Patti O'Shea,Camille Bacon-Smith,Karen MacInerney,Jennifer St. Gile

Anthology. I'm kind of (90%) over vampire books but there are a few authors that I love so I'm going to pick and choose what I want to read. I don't usually do this and try to give every story a try but like I said, I'm kind of done with vampires.

I only read a few of the stories and I think overall they were mediocre. I own this book so I may come back some day and finish the rest of the short stories - or maybe not.

15. Stacia Kane - "Trust Me" I love this author - I did not love this story though. Was this a try at vampire romance set in old England? For an average author this would be okay but Stacia Kane can do a whole lot better. 2 stars. 

19. Dawn Cook (aka Kim Harrison) - "With Friends Like These". A story about two seemingly young men and when they meet one of the guy's big bad brother. Pretty good story. 3 stars.

21. Larissa Ione - "Eternity Embraced" - Lovers are forced not only to declare their feelings but whether or not they should kill each other. Good story. 3-1/2 stars

24. Ann Aguirre - "Circle Unbroken" I like her sci-fi but this story - yuck. I didn't like it at all. 1-1/2 stars

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2018-03-24 18:48
A Dance In Blood Velvet by Freda Warrington (2016 Review)
A Dance In Blood Velvet - Freda Warrington

A Dance In Blood Velvet by Freda Warrington
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Black shadows appear within the Crystal Ring, bringing confusion and fear to those who inhabit it. Charlotte Neville and her lover Karl von Wultendorf find themselves, despite being separated by emotional conflict, deeply embedded in the scheme of three mysterious figures that wish to preform a questionable ceremony.

(WARNING: This review contains MAJOR spoilers.)

The first instalment (A Taste of Blood Wine) of this darkly alluring series captured my heart, in that despite the overly dramatic tone relating to the Neville household, I found the writing itself a literary treasure; atmospherically gothic, intense and beautiful; it appealed to my utmost fondness for vampire romance. What I expected from this volume, was more of the same brilliance, yet instead of entertaining family turmoil, relationship jealously saturated every aspect of each character and unfortunately dulled my enjoyment because of such. I'm all for conflicting emotion, of mistakes being made due to overpowering feelings, yet nearly every event that transpired in this book, was more or less due to jealousy in some form - Ben and Lancelyn, Charlotte and Katerina, Karl and Violette. Perhaps I should've appreciated the fact they were realistic, and like normal people plagued by insecurities, but there's a point I began to roll my eyes at the abundance of selfish behaviour.

A happily-ever-after was not in store for Charlotte and Karl, on the contrary, in fact. They spent most of their time apart, as obstacles seemed to rise in every direction and threaten their attempt at eternal love. I didn't mind this, I actually considered it refreshing that they had to continually fight to make it work. I however believed them both mostly to blame for their unhappiness, and Charlotte became especially intolerable. From being jealous of Katerina whilst she, herself, had the audacity to lust after and stalk Violette, well, what happened to the character I actually liked and felt attached to? And when she planned to turn Violette without even asking for her permission, I was ready to throw the book across the room. The same occurred with the rest of the characters, as well; I didn't particularly feel for any of them.

This isn't to say I believed the entire book a disappointment. Some endearing elements were still present, such as the style of writing and the overall elegance of the story, but it definitely lacked some of its original charm. The plot consisted of two, seemingly separate subplots coming together, pretty much revolving around the (re)birth of Lilith. Religion was further contemplated, yet it remained a mystery if God actually existed. The exact origin of the Crystal Ring was also pondered upon yet again, raising the question of if it relates to scientific or spiritual means. I do wonder if answers will ever come to light, or if it'll remain unexplained. At least the discovery of humans accessing the Crystal Ring was revealed, and the presence of a physic human also added to the conundrum that is Warrington's world.

In conclusion: The self-centred actions of the characters brought bouts of annoyance. I'll certainly continue with this series, but I hope I enjoy further instalments more than this one.

Notable Scene:

"How can I be content to bury myself in dead mythology, after living mythology has revealed itself to me? How can I feel anything for Lamia, succubus, incubus, Lilith and her demon children or all the angels of heaven, when I have met a real being who is richer and stranger than anything on the dry page of a book?"

"Do you want to write me into a book, a thesis?"

"It's tempting, but no, no more than I'd put a bird of prey in a glass cage."

© Red Lace 2016

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Source: redlace.reviews/2018/03/24/a-dance-in-blood-velvet-by-freda-warrington-2016-review
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review 2018-01-11 00:00
The Viscount's Prey: A Dark M/M Vampire Romance
The Viscount's Prey: A Dark M/M Vampire ... The Viscount's Prey: A Dark M/M Vampire Romance - Julia Leijon An interesting retelling of a classic tale.

It was a short read but nonetheless enjoyable. I found it very much along the style of the Gary Oldman as Dracula story; but instead of Mina being the object of Vlad's affection, it was the story's hero - Benjamin.

There were many of the elements of the Vlad Tepes story, the trio of vampire maidens in dancing dresses, wolves, the Carpathian mountains, an erstwhile female waiting at home for the hero and so on. It wasn't a gut wrencher, it was a predictable story given it was based on the story of Dracula, but the ending was a twist, and I enjoyed it.
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review 2017-10-23 13:12
Vampire: A Sensual Romance Novella - Gwendolyn R Morris


See, this is what happens every time I go against my instincts. When they tell me not to finish a book, I usually listen. But on those rare occasions when I decide to go against that, this happens. I waste my precious time on a story. Yup. I'm mad. I'm mad because there were things here that caught my attention and kept me reading, but then the outcome made it not worth it. Basically it should not have felt like a chore, and taken me this long to get through a book that is only 120 pages long.

I had plenty of problems with the execution of this story. From the way these two MC's related and spoke to one another, to the events that occurred in their journey till the end. There was some hotness here though. The beginning of their interludes were very awkward. But as the story progressed, the passion, heat and naughty bits you would expect to see; finally made themselves known.

What I did like was that the Vampires here, they aren't fluffed up like we've become so entralled with concerning these characters in others stories. They kill. To survive and sometimes for the fun of it. They are who they are and they don't apologize for it. It was refreshing for me to see this type of take on a Vampire that's fallen in love.

I can't say that I would recommend this read though. It's just not all that great.

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review 2017-05-11 02:59
ARC Review: To Touch You (Mates #4) by Cardeno C.
To Touch You: A Vampire Shifter Gay Romance (Mates Collection Book 4) - Cardeno C.

Dear Salvatore Rossi - you're a jerk. A stubborn, selfish, snobbish jerk.

Having said that, you redeemed yourself in the end but only by a hair.

Not much love,



This is the fourth, and probably last book, in the Mates series, which I loved. LOVED.

Here we have Yoram Smith, great-nephew of Ethan Abbatt (of Until Forever Comes), who at 7 years old gets a whiff of one Salvatore Rossi, abovementioned jerk, and knows, just knows, he's found his one true mate.

Salvatore, or Sal as Yoram calls him, is a business man, visiting the town near the Miancarem pack to entice Miguel Rodriguez, mate of Ethan, to sell him some land. Miguel has no interest in doing so, and if it weren't for Yoram proclaiming Sal his friend, Miguel might have simply chased him out of town. Except Sal is sick, sicker than he knows, and when his illness becomes terminal, and Yoram finds out, he implores Miguel to save his friend Sal.

So Sal becomes a vampire, and promptly returns to his business, caring not one iota about Yoram.

At 14, Yoram visits Sal in Las Vegas and is told to go home. Go home. By his mate!!

Yeah... I didn't like Sal at all, though I could appreciate that a 30-odd year old man/vampire would be slightly freaked out that a 14 year old boy tells him he's his mate.

So Yoram goes home, suffers alone, but he doesn't give up. He experiences similar symptoms as Ethan had before meeting Miguel, and some pointed questions later, Sal begins to get blood deliveries. Because Yoram is a saint, and just because Sal is a jerkface doesn't mean that Yoram needs to let his mate suffer.

There's some crossover here with book three, In Your Eyes. If you've read that book, you'll remember Korban Keller, who's the Alpha's son, and heir apparent, but whose mate Samuel is the Alpha of the Yafenack pack, and you'll remember what happened there, and what leads to Miancarem needing a new Alpha.

Yoram again steps up to the plate, because he's a fucking saint! He loves his pack, he loves the other wolves, and he wants to do what's best for them. Except that doesn't leave him any time for traveling to Vegas every month to deliver blood.

And then Salvatore Rossi wonders for possibly the first time who might have been bringing him blood, and what might have caused the deliveries to stop, and he travels to Miancarem to investigate. Still super selfish, amirite?

Character flaws of a particular vampire notwithstanding, I loved this book just as much as I loved the other three, though In Your Eyes will likely always be my favorite of the four. A lot of my enjoyment was because of Yoram, who is a FUCKING saint, and also because of Toby, a wolf from Yoram's pack and his brother-in-law, who provides the snark and attitude and humor in this book. He took no crap at all from Sal, he wasn't afraid of the big, bad vampire, and he took zero prisoners when it came to telling Sal what a jerk he'd been all these many years. He had some fantastic zingers, and I giggled a lot when he was on page.

This being a book by Cardeno C., there are also some super hot sexy times (when they then finally happen, OMG), and knotting. Knotting, people, which just gives the sexy times that extra oomph. Mating bites. Bloodsucking while making love. Gah. There is always such emotion within the sexy times, and I think that's one of the author's special gifts.

I was a little bit bothered by the rather abrupt transition from "where's the blood, dammit" to "OMG, I Love You, You're my everything" that Sal goes through, considering that his character was a stupid, selfish, snobbish jerk for most of the book, but I chalked that off to the mating pull doing its thing, and him finally being near Yoram for long enough to actually allow himself to feel it. The jerk.

This is definitely a fitting end to the series, and I loved that the couples from the previous book made an appearance. Well, all but Samuel. It can be read as a standalone, but why would you? Why would you not read all the books in this fantastic series? Exactly.

I will read any shifter book this author writes, ever, and I can hardly wait to get my grabby hands on the next one, even if it'll be a different series. Maybe we'll get another Syphon book next? Sign me right up.

I'm a CC addict, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. Just keep feeding my addiction, would ya, CC?

** I received a free copy of this book from its author. A positive review was not promised in return. **

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