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text 2017-12-08 07:33
Reasons of Why Google Adwords Are an Excellent Option for Small Businesses

Have you started a business and are catering your services to the global audience and would you like to improve your brand reputation in a short time? Then, you need to go to Google Adwords. This is the paid advertising that pulls a lot of traffic to your site and gives you an opportunity to convert the prospective audience into potential customers. Undeniably, this brings you qualified leads to your website. Though you need to spend money on creating the ads on Google Adwords, it eventually pays you off and gives your brand the maximum visibility on paid results area. Prior to going to Google Adwords, you need to check the search volume of the keywords related to your business. If the keywords of your business are searched by the users mostly, then you can go ahead and create a paid advertisement. This paid advertisement is perfect for the businesses whose products or services are searching by the audience often on Google.



Few of the reasons of why Google Adwords is an excellent option for small businesses


Minimum investment: Businesses should allot certain budget to promote their products and strengthen their brand in online. Undoubtedly, this type of marketing is perfect for the businesses who have limited marketing budget. Even if you have enough marketing budget, you should try out this paid advertising, since this has less or no risks when compared to the other marketing options. Sometimes, the target keywords you bid for would be higher, but if you are sure that the keyword will help you get traffic, then Google Adwords is a perfect option.


Pay only for results: Google Adwords is a cost-effective way to promote and reach the target audience. This helps you only to pay for your results. You are paying only when someone clicks on your advertisement. If your ad is catchy, informative and has relevant keywords to your business, then you get qualified leads for your business. You can also remarket the ads to the people who have clicked on your ads in the past. This helps you to follow up the client, push them into the sales funnel and turn them into your potential customer.


Ads are shown at the right time: People often searches on Google to look for information or the service provider. This gives an opportunity for the businesses to turn the prospective customer into client exactly at the time when they are planning to buy a product or avail a service. You need to advertise about your brand in Google Adwords for the keywords that are searched by the prospective customers when they planned to buy a product or service. Try visiting the renowned digital marketing experts’ website and check their services.



Ads are shown at the right place: You can target the ads based on geography. If your business is operating locally, then your ads are shown to the prospective customers in your locality so that the customers can reach your store to buy your product or avail your service. For instance, if you are a plumber who is offering plumbing services to the people in your city, then you need to advertise to the people in that particular city to let customers contact you.

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review SPOILER ALERT! 2016-05-05 15:00
Lover Eternal by J.R. Ward



Lover Eternal by J.R. Ward


Goodreads Summary:

"In the shadows of the night in Caldwell, New York, there's a deadly turf war raging between vampires and their slayers. There exists a secret band of brothers like no other-six vampire warriors, defenders of their race. Possessed by a deadly beast, Rhage is the most dangerous of the Black Dagger Brotherhood.

Within the brotherhood, Rhage is the vampire with the strongest appetites. He's the best fighter, the quickest to act on his impulses, and the most voracious lover-for inside him burns a ferocious curse cast by the Scribe Virgin. Owned by this dark side, Rhage fears the time when his inner dragon is unleashed, making him a danger to everyone around him.

Mary Luce, a survivor of many hardships is unwittingly thrown into the vampire world and reliant on Rhage's protection. With a life-threatening curse of her own, Mary is not looking for love. She lost her faith in miracles years ago. But when Rhage's intense animal attraction turns into something more emotional, he knows that he must make Mary his alone. And while their enemies close in, Mary fights desperately to gain life eternal with the one she loves..."


Overall Thoughts:


Lover Eternal by J.R. Ward was an enchanting read. The idea to read this series started when I was watching Kassidy Voinche's book review of the first two novels in the Black Dagger Brotherhood Series; Dark Lover and Lover Eternal. After listening to the review I immediately looked up the series on Goodreads. The key words that I took from it were: vampires, hot, steamy, and sexy. This was just what I was looking for. I've never been a fan of contemporary romance due to for some reason not being able to get into it at all. Every time I've started a contemporary romance I have set in down after a few chapters from boredom. However, adult romance I have found to be extremely entertaining. I love the darker adult romances...and better yet a paranormal romance makes it that much more enjoyable for me. I don't think I'll grow out of the paranormal genre for a long time because I love romance with a twist. Normal romance bores me most of the time and I love a romance with a little something extra.

I read Dark Lover a few months ago and I loved it. I was in a book hangover and didn't know what was going to get me back into reading. Once I thought of the next book in the series I knew it was perfect. I listened to the first book as an audio book so I knew I wanted to experience the book the same way. As soon as I started the book I knew it was just what I needed. Of course right once I got the the part where you knew Mary and Rhage were going to meet I had to go to work.  At that point my feelings were:

description I wanted to keep listening to this book so badly. Of course it had to be right before the two main characters were going to meet. Fortunately, as soon as I got home I kept listening and listening all the way to 2 in the morning. The next day I didn't have to work which turned out great because I was able to continue listening to the book. I listened to it all day while I got some laundry and dishes done. Then I got to the scenes in the park, which is the beginning of one of my favorite parts of the book, and I was like: description All the way through Rhage and Mary going back to her house and him spending the night I loved. YES I enjoyed all scenes between the two; but, like all books there are always parts that you enjoy even more. Than I got to the part where Rhage turns in front of Mary. description I was so excited when Mary finally saw Rhage in his cursed form, which is a dragon. I had been waiting for this moment for so long while listening to the audio book.  I knew it would happen at some point but I was so happy when it finally did.  I loved the way it happened also.


Mary runs away and Rhage comes to Bella's house to find her.  Only when Rhage goes to take Mary home there are lessers waiting for them. Rhage turns into the dragon to protect her and so on.  

Then I got to the end of the book. I was so bummed because I enjoyed the book so much I wanted more.  I wanted so much more of Rhage and Mary, but at the same time the book was wrapped up so nicely I was happy with the ending.  Although I had many emotions, the one that overpowered was:description





Mary: Our lead female of the novel I enjoyed. She is struggling with an illness and at the same time is swept away by an eternal vampire whom is beyond her wildest dreams. Although at times I found her to be slightly annoying I could understand why she acted the way she did. What would you do if you knew you weren't going to live much longer. I also enjoyed the journey of Mary's personal growth throughout the book. Mary at the begging is a much weaker character than she is towards the end in my opinion.

Rhage: Our lead male I loved. Rhage is also struggling with personal issues as is Mary. However, Rhage has a much more dangerous problem than Mary. Rhage has a curse that turns him into a dragon. I never found myself annoyed by the character at any points in the book. The character makes a lot of personal sacrifices for Mary because he loves her and wants to protect her. I love a character who has undying love towards another. Especially when it is coming from a man.

Bella: Mary's best friend and neighbor is a secondary character in this novel, who ends up becoming the lead of the third novel and has her own story line. I kept picturing Bella as Elena from The Vampire Diaries, at least the TV show. I would love to have a friend/neighbor like Bella. She is a fun character to get to know.



Would I recommend this book to others?

If you are an individual like myself who loves; paranormal, supernatural, at times erotic, adult romance reads than this is definitely the book for you.  This book is the second book in the series and as of now my favorite. I have read the first three books in the series and Rhage and Mary's love story is my personal favorite.  

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review 2015-09-05 18:43
Review: P.S. I STILL LOVE YOU by Jenny Han
P.S. I Still Love You - Jenny Han

Regrettably, I had two DNFs in a row this week, and a few other books I'm not terribly excited about.  So I'll go ahead and post my first review for a book I actually finished two weeks ago, in one day.


Jenny Han is an author that feels a bit like a landmine to me.  On the one hand, she's awesome at writing characters I care about, and I think she has the hallmark of a great contemporary writer, which every great contemporary writer needs--being able to capture small slices that feel so true to life, the equivalent of world-building in fantasy.  On the other hand, I don't know if I quite trust her as an author the way I do, for example, Shannon Hale.  I've read The Summer I Turned Pretty and Han's co-written Burn for Burn trilogy, in addition to To All the Boys I've Loved Before, which precedes this book.  In all of those books (except The Summer I Turned Pretty, which I just didn't really like), I was totally loving it until the ending.


Something similar happened here.


For the record, I'm normally the kind of reader that deliberately tries not to finish a book too quickly--and all the more the more I like it, because I'm a really fast reader and I don't want things to zip by if I really like them. Still, I read this in one day.


This book is chock-full of those real moments and characters and relationships that you love: Lara Jean's relationship with her dad and each of her sisters; Lara Jean's rosy outlook and being in love with love, and wanting to be easygoing but still actually being sensitive and insecure and yes, occasionally jealous. Her love for baking! Mrs. Rothschild and Kitty's matchmaking. The Assassins game. Lara Jean's volunteering at Belleview--which totally fits in with her character, but also adds a lot of excitement and has a very specific purpose for the plot.


To my disappointment, this book opens just about where To All the Boys I've Loved Before left off, which means that the scandal at the end of that book continues in this one.  It makes sense that Han dealt with it, and especially considered the ramifications of Peter not being able to fully protect Lara Jean, but there were times when I thought the sex-positive agenda was nearly overpowering the story and the characters.  This probably won't bother (or even register for) most other readers as much as it did for me, though.


Still, I laughed and smiled a lot throughout the book--but I'll admit that I hurt a lot, too, because again, Han has written characters you can't help but fall in love with, and she's not gentle: she puts you through the entire emotional spectrum.


How was the romance?  I liked it for the most part, actually.  Given the blurbs about the book, I knew John was going to come into the story, and my initial reaction was GO AWAY!  But then he appeared, and I totally fell in love with him, to the point where I wanted him in the story more than he actually was, and he really did win me over completely.  At first I felt tortured because of course I still like Peter, but after thinking on this book a few days (and yes, it's the kind that stays with you), I have to say I'm Team John all the way.


But the worst part is, I had read this book thinking that this was the second book in a trilogy, and that softened the ending for me.  Since Han said this is only a duology, though, I may have to reread it and reevaluate my rating based on the ending.  The ending here was still a little rough, and Han's endings have been notoriously unsatisfying to me.  But I love the characters.


For the most part, I think readers who loved the first book will love this one.  Still has the great characters, writing, and romance, but with the complicating factor of a love triangle.  Han navigates it with appreciable deftness, though.

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review 2015-04-15 15:57
Resident Evil by Ricardo Sanchez
Resident Evil Vol. 1 - Ricardo Sanchez,Kevin Sharpe

I received a free .pdf file of Resident Evil by Ricardo Sanchez published by Wildstorm, in a goodreads promotion in exchange for a fair review. I received a combination of the 6 comics, but from a content perspective, it is the same as the trade paperback.


I was pleasantly surprised. As a rule, I don't read graphic novels but in this case the art work was well done.  Kevin Sharpe is the illustrator.  I absolutely loved the fact that quotes were referenced & the acronyms defined.


"You haven't seen a tree until you've seen its shadow from the sky."-Amelia Earhart was one of my favorite quotes.


I gave this novel five stars. I read other reviewers reports that things weren't what they expected because they were prior Resident Evil Fans. Since I'm a novice reader, I was happy to report I completely enjoyed the story & the illustrations. Agent Mina Gere is partnered with Agent Holiday Sugarman. She's about the age his daughter was when she had been killed. He is fluent in six languages.


There was graphic violence & some scenes were difficult to view, but they took the story to the level it needed to be rather than just gratuitous illustrations. In addition it does have the caveat "for mature readers".


Link to purchase: http://www.amazon.com/Resident-Evil-Vol-Wildstorm/dp/1401226027/ref=la_B0058VGEPG_1_1s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1429097004&sr=1-1

Source: www.facebook.com/notes/injoyful-book-reviews/resident-evil-by-ricardo-sanchez/1571151446500275
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quote 2015-03-03 19:07
“The person who writes for fools is always sure of a large audience.”

~ Arthur Schopenhauer

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