All four storylines in The Echoes of the Ascended have been introduced and now it is time for the second round of stories, of which Broken Banners is the first. As I overall really liked the first four novellas, I was looking forward to the new batch.
Elinor returns and finds a field full of slaughtered soldiers. As she investigates, she finds that maybe she can't trust her own friends...
I enjoyed this novella slightly better than the first Reaper of Stone novella. She wasn't my favourite character in the first novellas. It might be that I've gotten better used to Elinor, but perhaps also the fact that there are starting to be more and more links between the stories, which I think will be a lot of fun to follow through the stories. I'm wondering if at some point the stories will merge together (and how that would happen, as the authors state that anyone can just follow the stories they think are interesting, and thus they may not know certain characters).
As these are published once a month, I'm already looking forward to the next!
Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!