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review SPOILER ALERT! 2019-11-19 21:27
Suspense and Paranoia
Something in the Water - Catherine Steadman

A couple honeymooning in Bora Bora, discover a bag filled with loot. Both Mark, who has just lost his job, and Erin are tempted to keep the goodies to ease their financial burdens. Their decision could be the death of them.


In addition to ratcheting up the suspense and mystery about the origin of the loot; author Steadman does a great job  revealing how quickly paranoia descends on the couple, and they begin to develop a moral and criminal mindset to cover their tracks and save their hides.  The fact that Erin is a documentary filmmaker working on a project about convicts who have been released from prison adds to the plot.


Well written suspense, although the ending wasn't as satisfying ass I had hoped it would be for the level of mystery created. Worth a read for an adrenalin rush and a Hitchcockian element of mystery.

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review 2019-01-20 23:18
Book Goes Off the Rails at 50 Percent Mark
Something in the Water - Catherine Steadman

This book was so weird. I think it could have worked without the ending no one asked for and didn't make a lot of sense. Especially because Steadman didn't set it up to really work. Also going to have to say it. Erin was being an idiot. I didn't root for her since you know what she and her husband Mark were up to was just what I called the "worst idea ever." 


"Something in the Water" is told from the first person POV of Erin. The story begins in medias res and then we jump backward to Erin and her getting ready to start to film a documentary series. Erin's idea is to follow three people being released from prison. I know the character acts like this is eye-opening stuff, but I watch too much Netflix now I guess cause i yawned. Erin is happy though. She's happily engaged to her banker fiancee Mark and they are planning a wonderful wedding and life together. Until things start to fall apart and Erin and Mark get over their heads while away on their honeymoon.


I think that the biggest issue is that when you do first person POV, other characters are not always developed very well. Here though Steadman did a good job with everyone I thought. Which is why I had to knock stars off when we get to the end and reveal. Cause there is nothing there except for that ending to happen except Steadman read "Girl on A Train" and decided ahh must have a twisty ending. Maybe it would have worked better if we went to another POV in this book or at the end for the epilogue.


The writing was good I thought. The flow was consistent throughout, though around the 70 percent mark I was just going okay get on with it already. I was just tired of reading what Erin and Mark were doing now. And honestly I thought Erin was being pretty stupid throughout this book. It just didn't make sense with her personality at all. 


The ending was pretty ho-hum to me. I think we are supposed to be shocked or feel something. instead I went, well that came out of nowhere and there were a lot of questions left unanswered. 

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review 2018-06-21 20:07
Something in the Water - Catherine Steadman

This book begins with someone telling us how to dig a grave. Right off the bat, you know someone is going to die and it's not accidental.

Then the story starts at the beginning of this couple's relationship. I found myself rooting for this couple all along the way until after the honeymoon. Then I definitely changed my mind. Of course, it went back and forth for a while. I couldn't figure out who was the actual bad guy.

There were many suspects and this was definitely a gripping read. Towards the end my pulse was racing, I couldn't read the book fast enough. And then the spiel about the Glock? Come on, get with the book. HA!!!

Excellent read. I will definitely be looking for more from this author.

Thanks to Random House Ballantine and Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

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