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review 2019-06-02 17:58
Forgotten Passion by Penny Jordan
Forgotten Passion - Penny Jordan


His pride made him believe the worst! 
Five years ago, Lisa Hayward had fled her exotic island home of St. Martin's, leaving her just begun marriage in ruins. 
Back in London, she concentrated on raising her son, Robbie--Rorke's son The child was all that remained of that bitter, beautiful time. 
Now Rorke had found her again, and intended to take her back--but not for love. He still believed Robbie couldn't be his! 
Why couldn't he remember that storm-shattered night they had spent lost at sea?


This is a typical Penny Jordan. I truly like some of her books, but occasionally I get quite annoyed with the constants in her books. They all tend to follow a similar patter: I hate > I love you but don't tell you > I love you and tell you with the occasional jealous bit in between and the woman never knowing what the man thinks and no deep conversations between the men and woman. 
This book was of a slightly different line of reading which made a refreshing change. In this book they loved each other from the beginning but there were to many problems, mainly the H having no faith in the h's faithfulness and not believing her even though she had never deceived him before. 
It was a good read and the writing flowed quite well but I was not completely hooked on the book. Sometimes the character's reactions seemed to contrived to be real and that the reactions to some situations were not entirely believable. I know I like a strong female lead, but sometimes this lead's reactions seemed stifled, I can't help wondering what would happen if the character had let her emotions and her anger out more often. I also think that she should not have slapped the guy more than once in the book, it started to feel to contrived to be believable. She should have used words to retaliate, they cut deeper than a slap and I am sure many people agree with me in that the pain and thoughts provoked from words are much longer lasting than a few seconds of pain caused by a slap to the face. 
Also, you gain very little insight into the male lead. Most of the book is the female leads opinions and thoughts. There is very little point of view from anyone except her. All of his thought patterns and actual personality is hidden because the books concentrates almost soley on the female lead and her reactions. The book is not very well-rounded because of this. I like to get to know the characters and have them be unforgettable, unfortunately this is not what happened in this book. Sadly the characters in this book are very forgettable. I don't see myself reading it again. 
Although to be fair, I suppose at the time when this book was written it was expected that books of this genre and books published by Harlequin all followed an allowed standard. My thoughts though are that this allowed standard has stunted the growth of the characters in this book and as such might have put many readers off of this type of book. 
But this is my opinion, you can always read this and see for yourself. I always like to know what others opinions are. Maybe someone else sees thinks differently. No one is the same, so I know there are many people who will think different thoughts about this review. So don't shoot me, because this is what I think.

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review 2015-05-22 00:00
Passion and the Prince
Passion and the Prince - Penny Jordan I liked this book. I did feel the hero held onto his bitterness a little to long and wish the heroine was a little stronger. But overall I really liked it. The author Penny Jordan is a great author and her books are good. I would recommend this book!
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review 2014-11-11 21:16
Gra uczuć
Gra uczuć - Penny Jordan
Czasami oprócz książek poważnych, logicznych, sensownych ma się ochotę na coś lekkiego, niezobowiązującego... coś przy czym nie trzeba się za długo zastanawiać kto jest kim? co jest co? gdzie jest zawarty sens... Czasami zdarza mi się sięgnąć po literaturę przez wielu odpychaną... przez wielu krytykowaną... przez wielu (podobno) nie czytaną... bo kicz... bo romans... Wiele osób zapiera się, iż jej nie czyta... Nie wiem czy to prawda nie interesuje mnie to... Mi się zdarza czytać i nie wstydzę się tego... Ot, są chwile, że na nic innego nie mam siły, nie mam ochoty...
Z romansami jest jak z muzyką disco polo - nikt nie słucha, wszyscy znają :-)
Także... Przeczytałam ostatnio Grę uczuć  i nawet nie było jakoś bardzo "harlequinowo". Lekka i przyjemna lektura, w sam raz na czytanie, gdy ma się gorszy dzień... na czytanie w autobusie, podczas drogi do pracy... bardzo wskazana:-)
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review 2014-11-07 21:20
W cieniu starych drzew
W cieniu starych drzew - Penny Jordan
... a taką "przytulną" ilustrację miała na okładce... więc ją sobie wypożyczyłam z biblioteki przedwczoraj...
Przeczytałam ją przed snem... Niezbyt to długa opowieść, zatem akurat wystarczyła na jeden wieczór... ... jednak, szczerze powiedziawszy, jestem niezbyt zadowolona tym razem z mojego wyboru... Nie żebym się spodziewała jakiejś historii mniej błahej... przecież dobrze wiedziałam, iż to "harlequin" na jeden wieczór i na poprawienie sobie niezbyt udanego dnia... ale tym razem się bardziej zawiodłam niż sądziłam...
Owszem, wypełniła mi ta książka czas przed snem, jednak czytało się ją dziwnie... Niby lekka i przyjemna fabuła... historia jakich wiele: kobieta (Sara) zakochana beznadziejnie w mężczyźnie, który dodatkowo jest jej szefem (Ianie)... ...zupełnie prosta w odbiorze, a jakby historia nie miała końcowego szlifu... Czegoś brakowało... Sytuacje działy się nagle... nie wynikały czasami jedna z drugiej, tylko miałam momentami wrażenie, że ktoś wyciął kawałek tekstu i posklejał to co zostało... Brakowało mi treści... Dialogi między bohaterami również pozostawiały wiele do życzenia... Taka to była trochę historyjka nie przemyślana do końca...
Spodziewałam się czegoś bardziej przyziemnego... dlatego tym razem nie polecam, mimo, iż książka posiada bardzo przyciągającą okładkę, to wewnątrz nie kryje nazbyt "wartościowych" treści... Jednak jeśli ktoś chce przeczytać nie będę zabraniać;D
Każdy niech ocenia wedle siebie:-)
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review 2014-06-04 23:29
Not Everything Can Be Recycled
Past Passion - Penny Jordan

This is a good example of trying to reuse an old romance plot that doesn't age well. The young woman traumatized by an early brush with sex is a Penny Jordan standard, and it made some sense in more restrictive times. But this was published in 1992; moreover, the heroine's parents are present, and are obviously nice, sensible people, not religious fanatics. Yet we're supposed to believe that because of one drunken one-night stand at 18, she think she's a fallen woman whom no good man could ever love. I'm not exaggerating.


It was a moderately interesting story for awhile, but by the end it was a giant snoozefest.  Very little happens other than her trembling. She trembles with fear, she trembles with attraction, finally it all works out and she trembles with joy. I'm giving it 2 stars because I was surprised and pleased that the heroine -- sorry, I've already forgotten everyone's name, that's how exciting they were -- actually blames the hero for taking advantage of her while she was drunk. (Though in fact, he didn't really.) An older skool Jordan heroine would only blame herself.

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