Two Dark Reigns is the third book in the Three Dark Crowns series and once again it was brilliant!
What I love the most about this series is the really unique touch it has. Honestly, I’ve never read a story like that. It is really dark and full of weird magic but it is so amazing you will never want to put it down. I was not expecting something that dark and creepy and I am so glad I choose to read this series. This was really something different than the YA books I am used to reading and it was refreshing.
The events of the book follow what happened in One Dark Throne, Katherine is the queen crowned, Mirabella & Arsinoe are in hiding on the mainland and Jules is sailing back home because she is devastated by Joseph’s death. Katharine will soon discover that being queen is not that easy: she does not know whether her sisters are dead or alive, she is haunted by some presence since she climbed out of the Breccia Domain and she is lost without Natalia. She will also soon be threatened by something she had not expected…
I am really happy about all that happened in this book, it was full of mystery and really stressful but I enjoyed every page of it! I totally recommend reading this series.