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text 2015-05-14 22:49
Club Leughaidh Cuilean Craicte

An deagh naidheachd: tha sinn a-nis air letheach slighe dhan àireimh de dh'fho-sgrìobhaidhean a cheadaicheas dhuinn cumail oirnn agus sia mìosan eile de leabhraichean-caibideil Gàidhlig dha cloinn 7-12 a chur a-mach. Naidheachd nach eil cho math: gus 100 ball a ruigsinn air 31 Cèitean, feumaidh sinn triùir bhall ùra co-dhiù gach uile latha dhan uair sin.


An cuidich thu sinn a chuideachadh cloinn ri leughadh airson tlachd anns a' Ghàidhlig? Bhiodh sinn fada nad chomain nam b' urrainn dhut bruidhinn ri caraidean agus ris an teaghlach mu Chlub Leughaidh Cuilean Craicte, am fiosrachadh a sgaoileadh, agus soighnigeadh cuideachd, mur an do rinn thu mar-thà e!


Ma dh'obraicheas sinn còmhla, togaidh sinn coimhearsnachd de luchd-leughaidh Gàidhlig òga - ach feumaidh sinn cuideachadh bhuat an toiseach.


Airson barrachd fiosrachaidh agus gus soighnigeadh: Fo-sgrìobh


The good news: we’re nearly half way to the number of subscriptions that will let us go ahead and produce another six months of Gaelic chapter books for kids aged 7-12. The not so good news: to get to 100 members by May 31 we need at least three sign-ups per day between now and then.

Can you help us help children to read for pleasure in Gaelic? We’d be really grateful if you could talk to friends and family about Club Leughaidh Cuilean Craicte, share our information, and sign up if you haven’t already!

If we all work together we can build a community of young Gaelic readers – but we need your help.

For more information and to sign up: Subscribe



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