Whoops it's been a long time and I haven't posted. Life has taken over. Oops. Well I really need to vent about Lady Midnight and get my feelings out before I see other reviews and they influence my ideas so here we go! SPOILERS AHEAD.
Rating: ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮ ✮
Primary Feelings: This novel. It was so amazing and I cried reading the last 200+ pages straight through last night (of course nothing can beat when I read the last 400 pages of COHF until the wee hours of the morning). Last night I sat down and decided to finish this book and that I did. Cassandra Clare did it again, she wrote another novel that I love so, so much and cannot wait for the next installment (April 2017)!
Characters: I love the characters so much in this story. Emma and Julian are so great and I've loved them ever since Cassie first announced them years ago. I loved seeing the two of them grow so much in the years since COHF and how much they have grown in this story. Emma is my spirit animal, I love her. Julian is another bae to add to my collection. And the others! Mark! Oh Mark, I'm so glad he had such a big part in this novel. I loved Ty as well the rest of the Blackthorns were meh. Christina was also just kinda there for me. And Kit (*cough*ChristopherHerondale*cough*)! I love him already. And I really love how she integrated all the other characters into it...Oh Jem! And Church! And everybody else oh my gawd.
Ships: Ugh my heart was killed so many times in this novel. Emma and Julian were killing me the entire time and then they kissed and slept together and omg I thought they were going to be together, but not and ugh, can't they stop being so stupid! And at the end oh my god Emma stop, just tell him! He's going to find out anyway, ugh I need my Blackstairs, or Jemma, or whatever you call it. To throw it out there I still ship Kierran and Mark and refuse to ship Mark and Christina. I do feel bad for him though. And KITTY omg I love that ship and I can't wait for the next book to see where it goes! And Sizzy and the Malec and the Clace, someone help me.
Plot Discussion: I don't even know what I'm writing here, I'm just going to talk about points that jumped out to me. In the beginning I caught it! That was Jem and Tessa walking in the Shadow Market! Emma's strained relationship with Julian hurt me so much in the beginning. They just needed to be together. I didn't really like Diana, I thought something was fishy with her...and it was. I loved Mark coming back and helping them investigate the murders, like yay! Maybe now they can get Helen back too. Thanks Cassie for trolling us with no Alec in the book until the very end (like seriously she mentioned him so much but he was never around). I really enjoyed the overall plotline, I love a good mystery and I still always thought that the Guardian was going to be some unknown not Malcolm! I never suspected him, I suspected Diana more than him! I was so astonished! And then, when he stole Tavvy no like please no. I don't care how bad of person you are you don't kidnap and murder children (I know Sebby did but he didn't mean to kill Max, it was an accident, he was just trying to knock him out). I'm actually really surprised no one died or anything in the end cause I totally thought someone would or something bad would happen. Except for the whole Emma trying to break Julian's heart thing everything was okay. I love how Jem and Tessa were led to Kit in the very end, he was a herondale! I never, never, suspected that! I just thought he had the sight, nonetheless be a Herondale! Another one! I remember that line from Shadowhunter Academy about all the Herondales. And Mark is staying! Yay! I'm so glad that he did.
Predictions and Unanswered Questions: My main prediction is...does Julian have cancer? We all know his mother died of bone cancer and what I'm wondering is does Julian have that too? Because in the beginning Malcolm asks how Julian's feeling and if he has told Emma yet. Of course he hadn't and yeah, some people might thing that was about his feelings for her or about him running the institute (which wasn't really a surprise to me tbh) but something still seems off and I can totally see this turning into a Jem thing all over again.
Second prediction: Will Jules turn evil? Obviously, he wants Emma and Emma wants him. Their bond is so strong their runes are like magic. I don't think he's ever going to stop loving Emma and Emma isn't going to stop loving him. I feel like he's going to go mad with power and become evil...could be completely wrong but hey, its a prediction.
A Long Conversation: I could honestly probably write an entire review on this short story but I'll add it in here because it was inside Lady Midnight. This story! I've been so excited to read it since I found out it was in the back of the book! And when I finished LM at 2am in the morning I read this. Oh my feels this entire story...everyone got their happy ending! Malec is happy with two kids, Sizzy is getting married and Clace is happy living together and running the Institute....the only thing...Clace isn't engaged, you'd think they would be the first ones (after Malec of course) wouldn't you? What I'm thinking....Clary doesn't want to get married. Every time marriage was discussed to her in that story or something about her and Jace getting engaged she seemed odd about it. Wouldn't you want to marry the person you love most in your life? She says "She dreads" telling Jace her answer about if she'll marry him...probably a no then. She even mentioned earlier when Izzy asked her about when they were gonna get married Clary couldn't hide her feelings and Izzy was puzzled about the look on her face, obviously not the look that someone who wants to marry the love of their life should have. Why doesn't Clary want to get married? I can't believe that she doesn't want to because she doesn't love Jace because I know she does with everything she has. I don't even understand why she wouldn't want to. But I'm afraid she'll tell Jace no and he'll take it the wrong way and something bad will happen. I'm so scared that Cassie is going to murder Clace in the series they are only it in ten pages a book.
Thanks for reading my review! What are your thoughts? Comment blow!
So most people have read the mortal instruments series by Cassandra Clare (one of the greatest writers) if you haven't where have you been seriously. i picked up this series at Christmas time and was shell shocked for at least a month it was that good. its a series of emotion,war,love, and so many things its hard to put in to words. You will laugh out loud and cry but that part of a great book.One reason for it being such a great book is you could relate with things the characters did, for example how Jace would sacrifice himself for the ones he loves. i was ecstatic to hear the last book was only coming out a few moths after i had read the first five and it felt like years before i got it but i did and read it within a couple of days, i loved how they added new characters in to the last book and there wasn't much loss and i am grateful to Cassandra for that. overall i really loved this series and am deeply saddened that the series is over but and looking forward to the new series and of course the movies and would definitely give it a five star.