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quote 2014-09-05 00:45
The idea of the alpha wolf in animal behavior studies turned out to be a fantasy: it happens in an artificial environment, something deliberately walled off from the larger, wilder world wolves usually inhabit. People have created the space in which the alpha wolf appears (or appears to appear, but let’s not get ourselves more tangled than we have to). But like wild wolves, captive wolves still need to eat — and that food comes from the real world. The real world feeds the fantasy.

A book or trope or genre like romance is also an artificial environment, and like wolf sanctuaries or zoos it is an environment created by people. Though we call it a fantasy, we can’t simply declare it walled it off from real life: we have to feed the fantasy with real stuff. Sexism, gendered social roles, abuse dynamics, personal politics, religious beliefs, axes of oppression and resistance — these things and others have a way of sneaking in. You may disagree, but you must first explain why else none of Charles Dickens’ characters ever uses a telephone or sends an email. Our real world is inevitably tied up with our fiction.

Ecology and Uses of the Alpha Male in Romance.

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text 2014-08-19 22:33
Available now!
At His Countess' Pleasure - Olivia Waite

My latest book -- and my best, I think -- is now up on Amazon, All Romance eBooks, and the Ellora's Cave website. Dive in, Booklikians!


Anne Pym and Simon Rushmore are still reeling from the scandalous marriage of Anne’s cousin Hecuba to Simon’s brother John. But Simon’s position as Earl of Underwood has shielded him from the harshest criticisms. In a bid to repair Anne’s shattered family reputation, Simon proposes a most practical solution—he will make her his countess and they will set about the business of producing an heir.


But marriage is a beginning rather than an ending and scandal has a long life. Old hurts and new family crises threaten their burgeoning passion, even as Simon finds himself more and more eager to submit to his strong-willed wife’s every carnal command. When Anne’s bitterest secret emerges, destroying their hopes for the future, Simon must learn whether he is enough to bring Anne a lifetime of happiness—and just how completely he is willing to submit.

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text 2014-02-12 21:10
Slightly shameful self-promotion!
Color Me Bad - Olivia Waite

Please allow me to humbly ask you to consider reading and/or reviewing my most recent erotic historical, Color Me Bad, which is available from a range of sellers (Kindle, Kobo, ARe). It's the story of a gentleman painter and a lady thief, features the hilarious phrase "Chubb detector lock," and has the best imaginary paintings since the iceberg seascape in Jane Eyre. Also, look at that cover! It's rather beautiful.


If you're thinking of reviewing Color Me Bad, I would be thrilled! I ask only that you:

  • love it
  • or hate it
  • or forget it as soon as you finish
  • cherish it forever
  • write a short review
  • write a long review
  • fill that long review with GIFs
  • set all GIFs on fire
  • give the book a star rating but no text
  • never post a review but tell all your friends about it
  • tell nobody about it, but keep an eye out for the next book
  • think 'Wow that was swell' and move on to other things
  • whatever, I don't actually care what you do, time is short and life is fleeting and we all have to pick and choose how we spend our energy.


In short, please treat Color Me Bad as you would treat any book of any type, however you interpret that particular phrase, and thank you for reading this far into a truly ridiculous post. If I could bait this last sentence with a tray of reward-cookies, believe me, I would.



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review 2013-10-26 17:30
Hot as Hell
Damned if You Do - Olivia Waite



*Book source ~ Many thanks to the author for providing a review copy in exchange for an honest review.


Lord Lambourne, Benjamin Davis, is dead and in Hell. He’s been damned for the sin of lust, a lot of lust, and after a year facing every torment he thought possible he’s been assigned to the luscious demoness Idared for more punishment. Idared has just been promoted from Great Marshal to Knight. Such a promotion in Hell is rare. Idared’s hard work and unparalleled skill with the whip have paid off and now, instead of torturing a group at a time, she has the charge of one person, Benjamin. However, the heat between them has nothing to do with Hell itself and everything to do with lust. Can they do something about it without disturbing the balance of Benjamin’s sin and not get caught? Is the risk worth it?


This is an outstanding well-written short with fully fleshed characters and the world of Hell is described so well I could practically feel the heat. The steamy scenes are exceptionally hot without being overly graphic. The tension of getting caught runs as a delicious undercurrent and when the summons from Lucifer comes it elicits dread that they were discovered. However, the summons isn’t what they think and the twist is surprising. This is the first story I’ve read by Olivia Waite, but it will most definitely not be my last.

Source: imavoraciousreader.blogspot.com/2013/10/saturday-shorts_26.html
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review 2012-02-14 00:00
Generous Fire - Olivia Waite One of the things I love about Olivia Waite is how she manages to fit a cohesive and compelling love story into such a small space. The sharp, deep way she sets up these characters just in the first few pages, with practically nothing but some physical description, was amazing: the headmaster and Latin mistress of a Victorian boarding school, two carefully controlled people who long to break free of that control. And then they do when all the students are home for Christmas! Plus, it was REALLY hot. I highly recommend.

WARNING (and SPOILER): While everything in the story is completely consensual, there are references to the nonconsensual use of mechanical vibrators on female psychiatry patients, in the context of consensual use of such a device.
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