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text 2020-12-24 11:01
Three Common Market Research Methods

There are many ways to conduct market research and collect customer data. In this blog we’ll discuss three of the most commonly used market research methodologies: surveys, in-depth interviews, and focus groups.


1. Surveys

Surveys are the most commonly used methodology to collect customer data. Surveys can be quickly created and easily delivered as an on-screen questionnaire or by email. Surveys come in all different forms and sizes, from short and sweet online data-collection forms to multi-page, comprehensive research surveys.

Pro Tip:

Just because paid online surveys legit are easy and inexpensive to conduct does not mean all surveys are created equal! To get the best results, and easiest to categorize, focus on closed-ended questions. Simple Yes or No answers or multiple-choice answers are the best.

2. In-Depth Interviews

In-depth interviews are one-on-one conversations with recruited participants that make up your target market. In-depth interviews are typically conducted over the phone or video, and sometimes in-person (although during the Covid-19 pandemic, this isn’t an option for most).

In-depth interviews are great ways to learn more about your customer or user to better understand what drives their decision-making processes.

Pro Tip:

You’ll get the most from In-depth interviews if they are done in conjunction with focus groups, or after the user has been asked to test a product. Market research recruiting firms often gain many useful insights because they can more naturally probe different threads that come up during the interview.

3. Focus groups

Focus groups bring together a carefully recruited group of people who fit a company’s target market. An experienced moderator leads a conversation, lasting between 1.5 and 2 hours, about the user experience, product, and/or marketing message to gain deeper insights. Focus groups are ideally between 6-9 people.

Pro Tip:

Focus groups are best left to experienced moderators who know how to manage multiple people in a room and get the most from every participant. There are many pitfalls that can befall inexperienced moderators from dominance bias (when a forceful participant dominates and/or influences the group) to social desirability (when participants give answers they think are ‘right’ rather than providing unfavourable feedback).

It doesn’t matter which methodology you choose, recruiting the right participants is the common denominator. Insite research results won’t mean anything without the right people participating.

To Recruit the Best Participants for your Next Study, Contact us Today!

Original Reference: https://bit.ly/3rthOFB

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text 2020-12-03 07:24
Recruiting for COVID-19 Vaccine and Research Studies

As the Covid-19 pandemic rages on, there is a glimmer of hope: Pharmaceutical companies, such as Pfizer, are inching closer to viable vaccines. As medical research companies race to develop therapeutics that can lessen the severity of Covid-19, or even prevent it altogether, the pressure will be on to find populations to recruit for paid medical surveys to test the various remedies.


Recruiting patients and general populations to participate in medical studies is similar to recruiting for qualitative market research studies, but there’s a catch. Medical studies target more specialized populations, and there are additional privacy protocols that recruiters need to be aware of. Given these additional layers, there are limited numbers of participant recruitment agency that can effectively recruit for medical and healthcare studies.

While many people are familiar with the big companies that dominate medical research, there are hundreds of smaller biotech companies that also provide valuable research as it relates to Covid-19. In order to assess the efficaciousness of the therapeutics requires recruiting enough people into the study to allow for statistically significant results. As in most scientific studies, you need a control and a test group.

For any medical or healthcare study you want to partner with a focus group recruitment agency that has a proven track record in recruiting for specialized medical studies. This becomes even more important when the race is on to find effective solutions to a current pandemic.

We’ve posted a number of blogs that focus on how to improve recruiting outcomes for medical studies. Given our deep experience recruiting for medical and healthcare studies, we can offer perspectives and advice that are tailored to specialized recruitment.

Looking to Fill a Medical Study? Contact Us Today!

Original Reference: https://bit.ly/39AEai7

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url 2020-11-26 10:22
iPoll-Make Money on Surveys: Some Important Facts

Plenty of opportunities is given by iPoll-make money on surveys. However, there are some negative reviews on this app as well.

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text 2020-09-04 12:21
Online Company In The House - What Do You Require To Begin An Online Organization?

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Online Business In Your Home - What Do You Need To Begin An Online Service?

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text 2020-08-26 04:35
Pay-Per Click Optimization - Ideas For Organisation To Make More By Investing Less

Do you take pleasure in stitching clothes on your own or your kids? Then, track each approach to see which works best. Google does not yet have a problem with this as long as you do not utilize animated images or Flash.

How To Establish A Home Based Passive Earnings Business

Wіth talk of the international financial crises on the frоnt pages оf almost every major paper, you may question if beginning a house cleaning organisation іѕ thе ideal thіng tо do rіght now. On thе surface, it іѕ sensible tо assume thаt wіth individuals cutting down оn spending and soaring joblessness ratеs, investing cash оn house cleaning cоmраnу would bе laѕt on anyone's liѕt. Aѕ real aѕ thіѕ may bе for ѕome, the opposite іѕ also true for thosе who аrе littlе impacted by the eсоnоmу or fоr those who сontіnuе to hold down jobs аnd require а helping hand with their housework. Particularly real іѕ the fact thаt extremely couple оf households саn manage оn оnе income nowаdауѕ. Thаt suggests mоrе fathers and mommies are both heаdіng to full time jobs every dау lеаvіng littlе tіmе to look аftеr daily home wоrk.

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You will require a hosting, domain, online store application like OsCommerce. The reasons that most online businesses fail could be many. Individuals like the images, especially those they remain in it.

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