A quick, fun read but it suffers from first bookitis. Also it need a copy editor.
June Heal is trying to keep her mom's business alive. Her BFF (and crush) Oliver wants out from his uncle's watchful eye. So they move to Whispering Falls, Ky, a twenty minute drive from their hometown. But Whispering Falls is a very different place; the world building is fantastic and the people that populate the town each serve a specific purpose while also feeling realistic (save for their magical power/ability). There is a murder of the only person not well liked by everyone so there are a number of suspects, including Oliver and June. In addition to finding the killer, there is also an investigation into the truth behind Oliver and June's family history. So. Much. Backstory.
It all works out in the end, and I will read the next book in the series, but I am hoping for more in the plot line then Oliver and June's family story. I would also like to see a romance build up more between Oliver and June.
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Pages: 155 Bank: $2.00