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review 2015-07-02 17:24
Modern @ Moderne
Modern Art at the Pinakothek Der Moderne Munich - Cathrin Klingsöhr-Leroy

That title's a but redundant, isn't it? "Modern Art at the Modern Art Museum"? There's quite a bit of that in the text as well, such as describing a Cubist portrait as fragmentary and adopting multiple viewpoints. Well, yeah, that would be Cubism for you.

Braque, woman with mandolin

I didn't get a ton out of this as I know the basics of modern art, but I would recommend this book to someone who is new to the subject. The explanations are easy to understand and there are good quality reproductions. If I assume the intended reader is a tourist who ventured into the museum because it was in a guide, liked what he or she saw, and wanted to learn a bit more or share it with a friend who wasn't there, then this book is excellent.

Klee, red balloon

When I visited the Pinakothek der Moderne it turned out that the galleries I was most interested in seeing were closed. Therefore I was pleased to at least see some reproductions of the paintings I missed, as well as some works that didn't happen to be on display when I was there.

Kandinsky, rider on the bridge

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