The first appearance of Granny. This book is nicely bookended by Pratchett'sThe Shepherd's Crown.
The first appearance of Granny. This book is nicely bookended by Pratchett'sThe Shepherd's Crown.
Better with age.
Older Review
Considering the popularity of first person shooters, this book is still very timely. It's Pratchett, it's funny and delivers a message. Kristi is the protype of Hermonie. Enjoyable.
A really good what if type of a story, especially if you ever played Space Invaders. There are a couple questions concerning the aliens and the game that Pratchett doesn't answer.
Death makes an appearance, but in many ways this is look at community and togetherness.
Old Review - In Johnny and the Dead, Terry Pratchett takes a serious topic and makes it funny while keeping it serious. Pratchett teaches the reader about life and death, and about how what might be an insignificant action can change things. He does without preaching.
One must wonder if Kristy and Hermoine are related. Pratchett's last installment in this series is about time travel, war, and cats.
Old Review - This Johnny Maxwell book, like the previous two, takes a serious issue and deals with it in a funny way while at the same time presenting something important. That's a rare talent. For Discworld fans, Greebo seems to make an appearance, or at least one of his relatives does.