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review 2014-12-27 12:15
Little Red Riding Crop by Tiffany Reisz
Little Red Riding Crop - Tiffany Reisz

3,5 stars


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I have never read BDSM before. No dark erotica. Only fluffy, HEA stuff. This is an attempt to evade my comfort zone and read the reportedly amazing series that is "The Original Sinners".


Since I didn't want to get in over my head, I decided to read one of Tiffany Reisz's short stories to see if I would be able to handle "The Siren".


I have to say, I was expecting worse. There were no pears of anguish or anything resembling medieval torture devices. It was surprisingly normal. A little whipping and restraining. Nothing too shocking. This was my idea of light-BDSM, but somehow I thought this would be more hardcore. In the actual books there will be those kinds of situations, I suppose.


So far, I am liking Nora very much. We get the notion that her Dominatrix lifestyle isn't about personal satisfaction, but in giving it to others in exchange for heavy sums of money. Nora is exhausted. And Kingsley will give her her vacation, if she ventures into their rival BDSM club and manages to gather intel about the Dame. However, to get to this elusive woman no one has ever seen or talked to, Nora, armed with her red riding crop, must face the Big Brad Wolfe...


It's decided, I'm giving "The Siren" a go. I'm intrigued.

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review 2014-12-22 12:03
On Dublin Street by Samantha Young
On Dublin Street - Samantha Young

4 stars


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What an amazing break from all of the angsty reads. Not that this book was all pink and fluffy. It wasn't. But there were no nonsense fights and fabricated drama. The issues the main couple faced actually felt real and believable! Lots of points for that.


Jocelyn Butler is fucked up. Her best friend of four years knows nothing about her. She represses memories of her painful past all the time. She's reluctant to open her heart to people.


But when she moves to Dublin Street with Ellie Carmichael and meets her brother, Braden, Joss finds herself facing a whirlwind of emotions. She becomes emotionally attached to Ellie and Braden, to their family, begins to reveal a little bit more of herself gradually. Braden, who started out as a persistent suitor whom she had an unbelievably huge attraction to, ended up being her friend with benefits and then her boyfriend.


Joss and Braden make an amazing couple. Almost angst-free. Braden's got that extremely hot caveman thing going on and Joss challenges him. They keep each other grounded.


However, when an unexpected situation hits them both, Joss will finally realise her involvement in the Carmichaels' lives. The question is, will she be able to cope? Can she find the strength to fight her inner demons and give herself completely to Braden? Answers can be found in book. Ha.

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review 2014-12-16 17:56
Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover
Ugly Love - Colleen Hoover

4 stars


Quick summary: Destructive.


You know what Miles and Tate's relationship is? A fucking train wreck. They crash and burn so many times, and somehow pick themselves up and crash yet again. Yep. Lots of angst. Hyper depressing stories. Sexy times. Multiple heartbreaks (there are a few pieces I haven't yet recovered).


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I'm starting to see the CoHo pattern here. I think she wants us (me) to suffer. Well, I suffered! A lot. Are you happy now, Oh Queen of the Angst? Creator of Tears? Destroyer of Hearts? I haven't quite decided what title fits her best.


I liked this book much more than "Maybe Someday". Those 4 stars should probably be 4,25, but I don't usually divide my ratings so much, so 4 stars it is.


Miles' POV is mostly about his past, and the event that broke him and shaped him into the man Tate meets. I liked it in a way, because it made his character much more enigmatic. The entire time, you have to see him through Tate's eyes, struggle to decipher his actions along with her, without really knowing how he feels. On the other hand, it was a bit annoying to have so many pages dedicated to those past events. Even though I see how fundamental they are to understand how his personality evolved, they gave a much more depressing tone to the book, shadowing his present progress in opening himself up to others. I believe I would've liked to read a bit more about his present POV.


About Tate, I'd say she was a bit too eager to submit to Miles's wishes and didn't really stand up for herself. I understand how Miles turns her into liquid, as she describes it, but it would've been nice to have seen her adopt a more independent attitude.


Fabulastic (not) sentence I just invented to summarize the book:


The metamorphosis of ugly love into true love through the thawing of the heart.


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*infinite sigh*

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review 2014-12-13 19:42
Playing for Keeps by R. L. Mathewson
Playing for Keeps (Neighbor from Hell #1) - R.L. Mathewson

4 stars


I have to say this: Jason is the most hilarious character ever. I like that he isn't obscenely perfect, that he is insanely obsessed with food and not quite alright in the head.


Haley surprised me. Not in a good way. Well, it isn't her fault, obviously, it's the author's, but still. How is it possible to have a 29 year old woman who seems to draw the attention of every single man around her still waiting for the man she'll marry one day?!



Honestly, my favourite part of the book was the development of Jason and Haley's friendship. They had the most amazing dynamics! From the moment they kissed for the first time on, it went a little downhill, to that valley of endless drama we readers of romance are a little bit too familiar with. Needless to say, they climbed back up, and it was a journey of pure epicness! The handcuff scene was just too damn amazing.


We need more couples like these in romance. The genre is lacking vividness, truth, mindless fun, instead of sexually-overcharged stare-downs and a never-ending succession of sex scenes. This is what I call an inventive romance. Well, except for the virgin part. That was just plain annoying.

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review 2014-11-19 16:23
Where I Belong by J. Daniels
Where I Belong - J. Daniels

3 stars


Oh dear. Where should I start?


So many loose ends.



We have a female main character of twenty-three, whom we know nothing about. Okay, she looked after her mother. What else? Did she have a job? Did she go to college? Why is she suddenly so eager to surrender her v-card to an absolute stranger after holding on to it for so long?


After 223 pages, I still have no idea.


Furthermore, I found the story quite dull after reaching the point where Ben and Mia turned into a couple. The other book I was reading at the time won the competition for most thrilling hobby, so this one ended up on hold for a while.


Now onto the good stuff.


Nolan is just the cutest child ever. Points for creating him are in order.


And Ben. The daddy. He is most definitely mouth-watering.



I'd have some of that for breakfast, lunch, dinner and (hourly) snacks.


I was expecting better from the author of "Sweet Addiction". That book rocked my world big time.

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