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text 2015-08-13 08:43
TBR Thursday - Aug. 13
Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë,Jessica Hische
Dr. Seuss & Co. Go to War: The World War II Editorial Cartoons of America’s Leading Comic Artists - André Schiffrin
Tiddalick - Robert Roennfeldt
Lord of the Wings - Donna Andrews
Laying Down the Paw - Diane Kelly
Berried Secrets - Peg Cochran
If Onions Could Spring Leeks - Paige Shelton
Better Homes and Corpses - Kathleen Bridge Barry

4 books removed from the TBR, 8 books added.  My husband has resigned himself to more shelves in the Library and is contacting the carpenter next week.  :)


Jane Eyre - Charlotte Brontë: Part of the Drop Cap series from Penguin, it was on the clearance table at my local bookshop and I've never read it.


Dr. Seuss & Co. Go to War: The World War II Editorial Cartoons of America’s Leading Comic Artists - André Schiffrin: also on the clearance table; I'd heard a lot about this book and I'm a lifelong fan of Dr. Suess, so this seemed necessary.


Tiddalick - Robert Roennfeldt:  My husband bought this for me today as a surprise; it's my first Aboriginal tale and I've been looking for it for ages.


Lord of the Wings - Donna Andrews: Newest Donna Andrews. 'nuff said.


Laying Down the Paw - Diane Kelly: The only series I've ever read with a talking dog that doesn't make me roll my eyes (much).


Berried Secrets - Peg Cochran: New series.


If Onions Could Spring Leeks - Paige Shelton: I still can't figure out the titles but they're corny and the mysteries are pretty good.


Better Homes and Corpses - Kathleen Bridge Barry: New series and since ordering it I've heard the editing is atrocious.  Oh, yay.



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review 2015-03-17 22:07
The William Shakespeare Detective Agency: The School of Night
The William Shakespeare Detective Agency: The School of Night - Colin Falconer
"Try not to make a fool out of yourself the very first day. 
You would think this is not a difficult instruction to follow; you would be wrong."
William Shakespeare, cousin to the William Shakespeare arrives in London from Stratford in hopes of finding employment in anything but glove making.  Secretly, he wishes to follow his cousin into the world of acting; but with the plague about, the theatre is far from gainful employment.  Instead, Will immediately finds trouble at a London bar where he is mistaken for his well-known cousin.  The Lady Elizabeth Talbot is searching for her ne're-do-well husband, Henry.  It was rumored that Henry had spoken to a William Shakespeare before disappearing.  Will is absconded by the Lady Elizabeth and instead of leaving with his life in tact, he decides to assist the beautiful Elizabeth Talbot find out what has happened to her husband.  Now, with some money in his pocket, Will finds himself going deep into London's underbelly to find out what has happened to the husband of a woman he is quickly falling in love with. 
This was a fun and fast historical mystery set in one of my favorite historical time periods.  One of the best parts for me was seeing London described by newcomer, Will.  He is taken with the city, but also taken advantage of at every turn and placed in some of the worst parts of London during the plague; still he decided to persevere.  Even though William Shakespeare, cousin to the playwright, might be fictional, the description of the world he was placed in seemed on point with history.  From the plague to the actual William Shakespeare's trails with the theatre at the time and the disappearance of Kit Marlowe, there is a lot of actually history packed in. Will's adventures took a humorous tone and though he didn't think himself as the smartest man, it was great to see him grown in his street smarts as he bumbled through London trying to find Henry Talbot. The mystery itself wasn't very complex and there are not a lot of clues to follow, but it was still entertaining.  I would be interested in reading more about Will's detecting skills and his relationship with Lady Talbot since she left him in a precarious position. 
This book was received for free in return for an honest review. 
Source: stephaniesbookreviews.weebly.com
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review 2014-09-29 23:41
Naja... ich hatte mir mehr erhofft
Night School. Du darfst keinem trauen (Night School #1) - C.J. Daugherty



Alyson Sheridan ist 15 Jahre alt und ein eher schwieriges Kind. Ständig gerät sie in Schwierigkeiten und in der Schule rutscht sie immer mehr ab. Ihre Eltern wissen nicht mehr weiter. Als Alyson, die von ihren Freunden nur Alli genannt wird, wieder einmal mit der Polizei in Kontakt gerät, ist das Maß voll. Ihre Eltern schicken sie auf eine neue Schule - wieder mal. Doch Cimmeria ist anders. In dieser Schule gibt es keine Handy, kein Telefon, kein Computer, kein Internet, nichts, was die Kinder vom Lernen abhalten kann. Der Lehrplan ist straff und die Hausarbeiten auch nicht ohne. Doch entgegen ihrer Erwartungen lebt Alli sich schnell ein und findet sogar einige Freunde. Doch diese haben auch ihre Geheimnisse. Und dann gibt es noch die Night School, über die niemand reden darf. Was geht nur in der Night School vor? Als dann eine Mitschülerin stirbt, bricht das Chaos aus und aus Alli der Freundin, wird Alli der Buhmann. Alli und ihr Freund Carter stellen eigene Nachforschungen an und erfahren mehr, als sie eigentlich wissen sollten.


Meine Meinung:


Nun ja... Ich war so gespannt auf das Buch und muss sagen, ich wurde enttäuscht. Es hat ewig gedauert, bis irgendwas passiert ist und auch wenn dann was passiert ist, fand ich es eher langweilig erzählt. Ich konnte mich nicht gut in die Geschichte einfügen und auch die Charaktere waren mir ziemlich suspekt. Lediglich Alli und Carter und Rachel fand ich echt toll. Wobei ich auch sagen muss, dass ich es etwas unglaubwürdig finde, dass Alli sich innerhalb weniger Wochen so ändern konnte.

Zum Schreibstil kann ich allerdings sagen, dass er mir gut gefallen hat. Es war leicht und flüssig zu lesen und oft fielen einige Worte, die die Jugend heutzutage auch so benutzen würden.

Mir fehlte es einfach an Spannung und es gibt deswegen 3 Sterne von mir, weil mir das Ende eigentlich doch ganz gut gefallen hat und einiges rauskam, was man wissen sollte. Dennoch bin ich unschlüssig, ob ich mir die anderen Bände zulegen werde.




Gelesen: 12.05.2014 - 29.09.2014 (Ebook; nur unterwegs gelesen)

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review 2013-11-20 00:00
Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating
Eat, Drink, and Be Healthy: The Harvard Medical School Guide to Healthy Eating - Walter C. Willett,Patrick J. Skerrett Nice guide and helpful.
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review 2013-09-26 17:40
Vampires Do Hunt Marshmallow Bunnies (Bailey School Kids Jr. Chapter Book, #7)
Vampires Do Hunt Marshmallow Bunnies - Marcia Thornton Jones,Debbie Dadey,Joëlle Dreidemy ★★★★Vampires Do Hunt Marshmallow Bunnies by Marcia Thornton Jones (Jr. Chapter Book The Bailey School Kids #7)This was a cute kid story for those will a flair for the paranormal. Easter is all fun and games, until the towns Easter egg hunt gets put in danger. The kids are forced to protect the towns candy from a sugar sucking vampire.
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