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review 2022-10-08 04:18
My Sweet Mistress - L.C. Zingera

Chantal comes for a job interview with Jared, but she is mistaken that it is for a personal assistant not an executive assistant. Jared has been a jerk to his employees which is why he is looking for a new executive assistant. He is also instantly smitten with Chantel and promised to find her a job. The job he offers is that of mistress. Will she accept?


I enjoyed this story. I really liked Chantel. She was smart and wanted to be a writer but knew she needed a job to bring in money until she sold a book. Jared started out as a jerk, but Chantal smooths his edges and temper. He becomes human with her. The story moves fast but suspend belief and enjoy Chantal and Jared's interactions. They are good for each other.

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text 2022-08-11 23:12
Release Blitz: The One to Heal by Liz Lovelock

[Because facebook has very unfairly blocked my blog, Punya Reviews..., from being promoted on their platform, I'm using booklikes as a "gateway" of sorts so I have a link to promote. It's been over a year but I tried for the first 4 months to reach them through any means I could find but without any luck whatsoever. Doesn't look like I'll get the block removed anytime soon, if ever. More on what happened can be found here.]


LINK to my release blitz post for The One to Heal on Punya Reviews...:


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review 2021-07-19 04:34
Sweet Carolina - Roz Lee

 Carolina takes over as the Hawkins racing team owner after her father passes. Offers have been made to buy the company but she refuses to sell. She needs an aggressive driver to win races for her team so she goes to childhood friend Dell Wayne who was fired by his former team for being too reckless on the track. Neither has been around the other for years and did not know how they both grew up. Fighting their attraction for each other does not help the rumors about them, especially Caro. Little things keep happening until trouble springs up after the first race Dell wins for Hawkins Racing. Is Dell guilty of sabotaging Hawkins or is something else going on?


I liked this story. I liked Carolina and Dell. They are a good couple. The racing was exciting as was the behind the scene stuff. The secondary characters are a mix of good and bad though we don't get to know them as well as we know Carolina and Dell. I would have liked to see a story with Richard Warner, a driver with another team.


I always enjoy Roz Lee's stories. I look forward to reading more of her.

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review 2021-06-07 20:33
The Sweet, Terrible, Glorious Year I Truly, Completely Lost It - Lisa Shanahan

Gemma's sister is getting married into a military family. Gemma has also been convinced to audition for the school play. She overcomes a lot in this year but what a wild ride.


I found this to be one of the funniest books I have read in a while. Gemma is great. Her 14-year-old voice is perfect. She has some good moments at the bridal fair (flower girl dresses) and at school and at other's homes. She realizes how shallow so many are including herself. Her dad is a typical dad--embarrassing his kids when not complaining about his lawn and offering advice to others on theirs. Her mom is a typical mom trying to smooth ruffled feathers. Her sister and the 3 R's (read the book) are pains-in-the-behinds. The parents of the others--Nick, Raven, and the groom--give Gemma a contrast to her parents.


I loved the story. I loved Gemma and Raven. I especially loved what Gemma learned over that year on love, family, and people.

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review 2021-04-18 15:57
A great read from a master storyteller
Sweet Caress - William Boyd

A walk through the colourful life of Amory Clay. She is a professional photographer and an early assignment has her investigating the decadent, colourful, sexually liberated Berlin clubs of the early 1930s. There are passing glimpses of a future facist Germany that will soon spread its evil tentacles over an unsuspecting and sleepy world.
Back in London hosting an exhibition of her own work Amory is intrigued by the rise of Oswald Mosley and his facist followers identified and condemned by their famous black shirts. An unexpected and violent event occurs that changes Amory’s direction and focus.Through a number of casual sexual encounters she marries a soldier of the 2ndWW, a man deeply affected by his experiences resulting in an irreversible and permanent blackness with an inevitable sad conclusion. For a limited time she resides in New York until the disastrous American involvement in Vietnam demands her photographic skills.
William Boyd has a wonderful storytelling technique. He takes a life, an interesting life, and highlights the pivotal moments in that life, decisions taken, choices made, and consequences that followed. We are entertained, we are educated, we are party to the changing face of Germany, the slaughter of WW2 and the catastrophic decisions and campaigns that were the killing fields of Vietnam.

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