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review 2020-04-01 14:08
Things You Save in a Fire ★★★☆☆
Things You Save in a Fire - Katherine Center

I wasn't expecting a Romance, but all the typical elements are there. It was a good story, anyway. 


Audibook, borrowed from my public library via Audible. Therese Plummer's performance added a bit to the story. 

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text 2020-03-20 13:35
Things You Save in a Fire - 48%
Things You Save in a Fire - Katherine Center

The NPR review that prompted me to pick this up gave no indication that it's a Romance, and I'd be mad about that, except that I'm really enjoying it anyway. I think I needed something light and funny and a little sweet right now. 

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text 2020-03-18 22:28
Things You Save in a Fire - 0%
Things You Save in a Fire - Katherine Center

I saw a review of this on NPR and was intrigued. So, giving it a try.

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review 2020-02-21 15:12
Katherine Center: Things You Save in a Fire
Things You Save in a Fire - Katherine Center

Katherine Center show what it takes to learn what is truly important in one's life:

As one of the only female firefighters in a Texas firehouse she's seen her fair share of emergencies and each time she rises to the occasion. She is amazing at helping people through their own emergencies but her own personal life is a mess. So when her estranged mother calls her and asks her to come live with her for a bit as she is having problems with her vision, it is a request that she never expected. Cassie ends up transferring to an old school Boston firehouse that has never had a female member before and they make it known that they do not think that a "lady" can do the job. Cassie is trying to keep the career under control but nothing in her new firehouse is under her control.

This is pretty far from what I normally read, but I made the resolution this year to try and read some books our of my usual genres, so I decided to try this contemporary romance novel that I kept seeing so many posts about.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it was an interesting look into a fire hall dynamics and the differences between a large city and small town as well as being a women in these environments. I will admit there cliches here about how Cassie is treated, but I feel like these events are occurring in these situations even if we want to believe things have changed. Center knows what she is writing about in this book as she had her husband to consult who is a fir fighter, and would know the dynamics that do occur within a fire house. This also being a fire house (I actually think this is my first firehouse based book...) you get to follow them on some of the calls that they make from the ridiculous (Honestly the reason some people call 911 is quite funny) to the extreme fires that change people forever.

The farther I read into the book the more I became attached to Cassie as a character and everything that she had gone and was going through. Cassie is such a strong character that has relied on herself for such a long time that she does not know how to rely on others. This makes her an amazing firefighter as she puts others' needs above her own all the time but this means that she does struggle to make friends and have relationships. It was interesting to watch her change and grow throughout the book.

Now the relationship aspect in this book is funny. Most of the book is spent with Cassie trying to hide and make sure that she does not have feelings for the Rookie as this is an extreme No Go in firefighter culture. But the more that she tried to avoid him the more she falls for him. It was an extremely cute relationship to see develop but you knew how things were basically going to go.

I really enjoyed this book and and Center had me hooked the further I read. I really enjoyed the firehouse aspect and how things would become a bit more fast pace when a call was involved. This is a great contemporary read with a side of romance and I highly recommend it for those who like these genres.


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review 2019-08-20 00:31
Things You Save in a Fire by Katherine Center
Things You Save in a Fire - Katherine Center

This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books.

This was fantastic! This book made me feel things. Lots of things. I was holding my breath because I was so worried about the characters. I was afraid to turn the page but couldn't put the book down. It was the kind of reading experience that turned me into such a big reader. If only every book was able to grab me as this one did. I guess you could say that I enjoyed this book.

Cassie is a firefighter. At the start of the book, she works at a station in Texas but things soon get a little crazy and Cassie finds herself needing a new station. Cassie has also been asked by her mother to move in with her for the next year to help out since she is losing her sight. So Cassie finds herself moving to Boston to help a mother that she hasn't been close to since she was a teen and starting a job with a new crew at a firehouse that is very different than anything she is used to.

I loved watching Cassie work to navigate the unfamiliar fire station. She is the first woman to work at the facility and not everyone is thrilled to have her on board. She feels that constantly forced to prove her worth to the others on the crew. She is also having a difficult time connecting with her mother. Cassie really doesn't want to deal with all of the feelings that come into play when she thinks about what her mother has done.

When I started reading this book, I didn't expect that romance would come into play. But it did and I must say that I am happy that it was a part of the story. I loved The Rookie. Every scene that he shared with Cassie put a smile on my face. He really was such a nice guy and I thought that he was really good for Cassie. I loved their chemistry and the way they seemed to understand and open up to each other. It is a good thing that The Rookie is a fictional character because if he was real, I think that Cassie would have more than a little competition. 

I loved the way this story was laid out. The pacing of the story was perfect. We learn things just as we need to. Most readers would be able to figure out some of the key points before the character is ready to share. I thought that this was very effective. I thought I knew what happened to Cassie so it was really powerful when it was finally confirmed. There were some pretty intense scenes and some really heartfelt moments and they were all beautifully done.

I would highly recommend this book to others. This was a wonderful story of learning to forgive, standing up for yourself, and putting everything on the line for those you care about. My only complaint would be that the ending was a little too happily ever after but I will take it. I plan to read much more of Katherine Center's work soon!

I received a review copy of this book from St. Martin's Press.

Initial Thoughts
This book made me feel things! So many things! I was quite literally holding my breath at times. I loved these characters and wanted to see things work out for them and when thing went poorly, I worried about them. The ending was a little too happily ever after but there's nothing wrong with a happy ending so I will take it. I am definitely going to need to read more of this author's work!

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