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text 2020-07-21 04:37
keep it going by reaching out to that person again

Your favorite charity or cause, hospitals, senior centers - just look on line or in your newspaper's calendar section for upcoming events and who China HYDRAULIC GOODS LIFT Company needs help. It's a great ice-breaker too. If something they mention is of particular interest to you, ask if you can get together with them at a future time to discuss it.) Maximize your efforts: Spend some time with several attendees at a party or event with the idea of walking away with a couple of referrals, informational meetings or suggestions for your job search. People are flattered when you listen to what interests them and ask questions that get them to talk about themselves, their work, even their hobbies. And it's a great time to meet new people.


How do you get out there and get some attention? Volunteer: During the holiday season, there are lots of opportunities to help out. If you have information for them, make sure you send it along. It can really make a difference in the results you get. Invite someone you met to coffee or involve them in another event you are going to. Make the call, send the e-mail or write them a note. So, spruce up your outfit and your elevator pitch and get ready to let people know "what's new with you.More people get together during the holidays than any other time of the year. Find a local organization that needs people to organize, deliver, set up or work events. Your qualifications will speak for themselves. Focusing on one person can be less than productive and trying to speak with too many people may not give you time to extract the best information.


Show interest in others: A great networking skill to have or to develop. It's easier to engage one person at a time. Happy networking!.. (You don't want to monopolize their time. Agree to meet up at a later time. Follow up: Now that you have made a connection, keep it going by reaching out to that person again. Whether it's a neighborhood shindig, a company party, an event for an organization, a fund-raiser or a family outing, people see others they may not get to see all year or maybe haven't seen in many years.


Accept those invitations or do some volunteering, because these are opportunities too good to miss. If you are going to an event with someone and you are both job searchers, split up for a while and each "work the room" separately. It's easier to talk to people who are like-minded and people are usually in a receptive mood while volunteering because they are doing good for someone. If you promised to do something, do it.Always present your situation postiviely no matter how long you have been in a job search. Keep the momentum going.

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text 2016-07-30 07:48
My 2nd Official Blog Post!! This one is on Social Anxiety.

Are you uncomfortable in social situations? Don't worry, we have you covered.


Do you dread going to social functions? Meeting new people? Worry you’re going to do something embarrassing? Have you got those uncomfortable butterflies squirming in your stomach, just thinking about being in these situations? Sounds like you might be living with social anxiety. Don’t be alarmed, you’re not alone, 1000’s of people around the world are living with the same fears, and everyone feels anxiety at some point in their lives.


Social anxiety is all about fear, fear of saying something wrong, fear of doing something wrong, fear about being judge, fear of not being accepted, but it doesn’t have to rule you, even if it never fully goes away.

When you are in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable or nervous it is important to remember that social anxiety won’t kill you, even if it does feel like the world is closing in on you. You have more than likely been through this many times before, you have probably even been in a worse situation, you made it through and you can make it through again.

But how you ask?


.......click here to read the rest. There's even a cute picture :D


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review 2015-01-27 15:34

Like most little boys, CJ is curious about many thing.  He wonders why he and his nana have to ride the bus instead of owning a car, he wonders why the man on the bus is blind, he wonders why the neighborhood is so dirty, but most of all, CJ wonders why they have to go to the soup kitchen to help every week after church. With great patience, nana answers every question. Her answers make CJ look at the world around him and see things differently. By the time they reach the LAST STOP ON MARKET STREET, CJ is happy they made the trip.

This is the kind of story that gives you a warm feeling inside. You can feel the love between CJ and nana on every page. This is a great look at the importance of public transportation and volunteering.



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review 2010-04-10 00:00
Volunteering Around the Globe: Life-Changing Travel Adventures - Suzanne Stone This reference book provides a good starting point for people who would like to volunteer in international settings and aren't sure where to start. The inclusion of Jewish aid organizations is refreshing. There are many personal reports and a good list of initial resources. Structurally, it needs an index; for decision-making purposes, it needs more discussion of how to evaluate whether to volunteer in a corrupt organization or social structure.
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