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The Bridge - Community Reviews back

by John Skipp, Craig Spector
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11811 rated it 11 years ago
I recognize the skill of these two writers and would like to read them again but this particular novel didn't do it for me. I hate agenda driven horror, especially when it's so ridiculously blatant as in "we're a bunch of litterbugs and we're gonna pay when our garbage fights back!!!There was also ...
Marvin's Bookish Blog
Marvin's Bookish Blog rated it 13 years ago
Take one part Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, stir in about 20 of those creepy "radioactive creatures take over the world" B-movies from the 50s, add a George Romeo Living Dead screenplay, then pour it over a typical American small town sprinkled with local cops, struggling TV news reporters, corrupt...
MizNikki rated it 14 years ago
Wow. And not in a good way. I guess the authors want you to know what happens when you pollute. Reminiscent of Return of the Living Dead (with the sludge, but without the zombies...or not) and a couple of other titles (possible B titles), made this read a jumble of nothing-ness. There was no dread,...
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