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The Confession of Katherine Howard - editions back

by Suzannah Dunn
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The Confession of Katherine Howard - Suzannah Dunn
The Confession of Katherine Howard
publisher: Harper Press publish date: May 27th 2010
format: hardcover pages: 307
language: English
ISBN: 0007258291 (9780007258291)
The Confession of Katherine Howard - Suzannah Dunn
The Confession of Katherine Howard
publisher: Harper publish date: April 5th 2011
format: paperback pages: 307
language: English
ISBN: 0062011472 (9780062011473)
ASIN: 62011472
The Confession of Katherine Howard - Suzannah Dunn
The Confession of Katherine Howard
publisher: HarperCollins publish date: May 1st 2011
format: paperback pages: 309
language: English
ISBN: 0007258305 (9780007258307)
The Confession of Katherine Howard - Suzannah Dunn
The Confession of Katherine Howard
publisher: Harper Press
format: paperback pages: 309
language: English
ISBN: 9780007258
The Confession of Katherine Howard - Suzannah Dunn
The Confession of Katherine Howard
publisher: HarperCollins publish date: April 5th 2011
format: ebook pages: 320
language: English
ISBN: 0062078879 (9780062078872)
The Confession of Katherine Howard - Suzannah Dunn
The Confession of Katherine Howard
format: kindle pages: 323
language: English
The Confession of Katherine Howard - Suzannah Dunn
The Confession of Katherine Howard
publisher: HarperCollins publish date: July 8th 2010
format: ebook pages: 320
language: English
ISBN: 0007374879 (9780007374878)
The Confessions of Katherine Howard - Suzannah Dunn
The Confessions of Katherine Howard
language: English
ISBN: 0007340346 (9780007340347)
The Confession Of Katherine Howard - Suzannah Dunn, Jane McDowell
The Confession Of Katherine Howard
publisher: Oakhill publish date: 2010
language: English
ISBN: 0857350080 (9780857350084)
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