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The Old Mermaid's Tale - Community Reviews back

by Kathleen Valentine
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BKHorne rated it 12 years ago
This book nearly broke my heart. I didn't really like most of it that much, but I was still crying at the end. I picked it up thinking I was going to read a romance. It was clear from the beginning that this book was really more about the characters of Canal Street, and the seamen that live and wo...
A Book Addict's Musings by Readinghearts
I have read several short stories by Kathleen Valentine, and I have enjoyed all of them. This is the first full length novel of hers that I have read, though. When an author is successful as a short story writer, I always wonder whether they can sustain that level of writing in a full length book....
A Book and A Review #2
A Book and A Review #2 rated it 14 years ago
I have to be honest with the reader of this review. I had received this book as part of a package deal with the author's other book, Each Angel Burns, which I had been dying to read...and def. lived up to its' promise. I went into this book with a bit more trepidation as the description of the book...
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