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The Pledge - Community Reviews back

by Kimberly Derting
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No Bent Spines
No Bent Spines rated it 12 years ago
Oh Max. Max how I love you. You were my book boyfriend. :(
Feelingfictional rated it 13 years ago
I'm a massive fan of Kimberly Derting's body finder series so I couldn't wait to pick up the first book in her new dystopian fantasy series The Pledge. I wasn't disappointed and I think if anything I'm going to like this series even more than the body finder books. My main disappointment was the fac...
kindleaholic rated it 13 years ago
This one was really fast paced, but is one where I just wanted more relationship development. It almost feels like too many things were happening at once.The world was interesting, but but I would have wanted more on the language as oppression tool - but maybe that's the English major in me talking....
Nina @ Death Books and Tea
Nina @ Death Books and Tea rated it 13 years ago
Review: In this dystopian/fantasy world ruled by a tyrant queen, the classes each speak different languages. The language segregation is strictly enforced, but Charlaina is different. She can understand all languages, something that, if discovered, could get her killed. So she keeps this little fact...
Randa's E-book Life
Randa's E-book Life rated it 13 years ago
What I loved:From the beginning, I was intrigued by the world and the characters Kimberly created. There wasn’t a single familiar thing about them.The story itself is unique and interesting with a world were people are classed and each class has her own language and they’re forbidden from speaking o...
Fiction Fare
Fiction Fare rated it 13 years ago
My sister was telling me for weeks that I should read this book and I didn't listen. I'm not sure why. Apparently I need to listen to her a bit more often. (she's going to love that I actually typed that out) Anyway - this was another book I couldn't put down. In Ludania classes are divided by the ...
melissawritergrrlreads rated it 13 years ago
I tried really, really hard to like this book. It had so many things going for it. The cover is beautiful, almost haunting. Normally, I'm not a fan of covers where you can see the model's face, since I like to imagine what the main character looks like, rather than have the publisher provide a vi...
I'm A Book Shark
I'm A Book Shark rated it 13 years ago
Full review here: I'm A Book Shark BlogThis novel took at least 150 pages for me to really get sucked in. I read it quickly after that, but it did take a while. I'm certainly glad I read it, and I can't wait until the sequel, but it was a bit of a rough road.I felt like parts of this book were piece...
Erin's Books
Erin's Books rated it 13 years ago
This book had my attention from the very beginning. It is an interesting world the author has created and castes dictate everything. Charlie is a strong character which I like. She does what she feels is right but thinks about her actions...i appreciate that she doesn't just blindly hope for the b...
popsiclesinbed rated it 13 years ago
I would rather call this a fantasy rather than a dystopia, but everyone else is calling it (and everything else) a dystopia, so I guess I will too. The magic was interesting, and I think there could have been more world building there. The romance was kind of dull. I like Kimberly Derting's other bo...
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